QA/SACs are responsible for the development and implementation of the quality assurance (QA) system in the GAW programme for specific atmospheric parameters.
Terms of Reference for GAW Quality Assurance/Science Activity Centres (QA/SACs)
- Provide an operating framework for GAW quality assurance activities and calibration
facilities for a specific variable and geographical area of responsibility (world, regional, national).
- Coordinate the activities of WCCs and RCCs.
- Provide advice and support for the local QA system at individual GAW sites.
- Co-ordinate instrument calibrations and inter-comparisons and other measurement activities.
- Perform or oversee regular system audits at GAW sites.
- Provide training, long-term technical help, and workshops for station scientists and technicians.
- Promote the scientific use of GAW data, and encourage and participate in scientific collaboration.
All QA/SACs can be found under "Central Facilities"