UAS Demonstration Campaign UAS Data Representation Standards

For the UAS Demonstration Campaign, operators will be required to provide data to the campaign central repository in standard UAS data representation format. This shall be WMO-CF UAS Trajectory based on approved WMO Experimental NetCDF Profiles. For Data Users, the data is made available in both CF NetCDF and BUFR formats at the UAS-DC Data Repository. Operators are not required to provide data in BUFR format. The conversion from UAS-DC NetCDF to BUFR format is performed automatically by the UAS-DC Data Repository.

It is recommended that Operators test the compliance of CF NetCDF data with the BUFR data conversion. This can be done using the tools and code examples available at WMO UAS-DC GitHub repository.

UAS-DC data distribution will be based on the WMO WIS 2.0 architecture and it currently being developed for the campaign by Synoptic Data. Additional information about the data distribution is available here.

You can request access to the UAS-DC Data Repository by completing this form.