Standing Committee on Services for Agriculture (SC-AGR)

Standing Committee on Services for Agriculture

At its first meeting in 2020, the Commission for Weather, Climate, Hydrological, Marine, and Related Environmental Services and Applications (SERCOM) decided to establish the Standing Committee on Services for Agriculture (SC-AGR) for the first intersessional period. The SC-AGR was hence formed as a replacement for the former Commission on Agricultural Meteorology (CAgM), which successfully operated between 1999 - 2020. An overview of the proceedings of CAgM is provided here.

At the Third Session of SERCOM (SERCOM-3) the terms of reference for the SC-AGR were revised and a further 4-year mandate was provided to continue to support and enhance the agrometeorological activities of WMO. 

The SC-AGR is composed of several technical experts from across the world, including the Chair (Dr James Ijampy Adamu from Nigeria) and Vice-chairs (Dr. Elena Mateescu from Romania and Prof. Yvette Everingham from Australia), selected from the WMO Expert Network by the President of the Commission. Other technical experts may be invited, on a needs basis, to serve as Observers on the Standing Committee, as determined by the chair or vice-chairs of the Committee in consultation with the president of the Services Commission. For the biography of the group members, click here.

Purpose of SC-AGR

The full terms of reference and expected outputs of the SC-AGR are included in the Abridged Final Report of the Third Session of the Commission for Weather, Climate, Hydrological, Marine and related Environmental Services and Applications (SERCOM-3) and more specifically in Document 5.2 on Review of the subsidiary bodies of the Commission. The ToRs include the following key areas:

  • Review and update user needs and requirements on all aspects of agrometeorological services and practices across the agricultural value chain & various agricultural sub-sectors (crops, livestock, forestry, rangelands, and fisheries sectors);
  • Review and update standards and guidance on all aspects of agrometeorological services and practices including drought;
  • Provide technical assistance to members and partners on enhancing climate services for agriculture and food security, in the context of the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS);
  • Assess WMO's role in supporting the food security agenda and define possible related activities together with SC-CLI and SC-HYD;
  • Provide capacity building, technical advice, and tools to WMO Members on agrometeorological issues;
  • Provide scientific and technical advice to the Integrated Drought Management Programme (IDMP) and work with FAO and UNCCD.

Previously, the SC-AGR conducted its activities through five expert teams, however for this current cycle (2024-2027), the number of expert teams has been reduced to three, while task teams will be formed as needed throughout the cycle to address any specific outputs or tasks. The expert teams, as well as their composition, objectives, and working progress, are listed in the sections below.

SC-AGR Structure SC-AGR 

Meetings 2024 – 2027 period

Meetings 2020 – 2023 period


Related Activities

Expert Teams

Task Teams

Task Team on Indigenous and Local Knowledge