Expert Team on Space Weather (ET-SWx)

About us

The Expert team on Space Weather (ET-SWx) has been established to coordinate with relevant WMO bodies the development of WMO Technical Regulations and guidance and other relevant documents on all aspects related to space weather. It follows work done by the WMO Inter-Programme Team on Space Weather Information, Systems and Services (IPT-SWeISS), however with a broader mandate. ET-SWx is established under Commission for Observation, Infrastructures and Information Systems (INFCOM) and reporting to SC-ESMP (Standing Committee on Data Processing for Applied Earth System Modelling and Prediction) in order to benefit from the Global Data Processing and Forecasting System (GDPFS) end-to-end systems model in support of the development of operational services.

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Terms of Reference

1) Coordinate with relevant WMO bodies, the development of WMO Technical Regulations and guidance and other relevant documents on all aspects related to space weather. The following is the list of immediate steps:
a) Develop a new GDPFS activity regarding the Space Weather Forecasting under the guidance from SC-ESMP by
i) Development of the concept of Regional Specialized Meteorological Centers (RSMC) for Space Weather including specified global and/or regional activities and list of mandatory products to be included in the Manual on GDPFS (WMO-No.485);
ii) Development of the concept for real-time coordination and consultation mechanisms among RSMC for extreme space weather events;
iii) Demonstration of the new GDPFS activity for Space Weather Forecasting with the candidate Centers through an established compliance review process;
iv) Drafting the proposal to establish the new GDPFS activity for Space Weather Forecasting and designation of the new RSMC for Space Weather Forecasting;
b) Support the access to operational space weather data with the Standing Committee on Earth Observing Systems and Monitoring Networks (SC-ON) by participation in
i) Integration of ground and space-based Space Weather instrumentation and observational capabilities into OSCAR and other WIGOS Tools;
ii) Identification of core and recommended Space Weather data as per the new WMO Unified Policy on the International Exchange of Earth System Data;
iii) Standardization and enhancement of Space Weather data exchange and delivery through the WMO Information System (WIS);
c) Execution of the Rolling Review Requirements, including the gap analysis for Space Weather data (observations and forecasts) and services. In close cooperation with the Expert Team on Radio Frequency Coordination, support the work regarding the Space Weather recognition and protection in the international radio regulation at ITU-R level by:
i) Providing detailed information on frequency bands used: in operational space weather observations ns), in process of transition from research to operational use and in research systems currently not used operationally but widely used by the space weather community);
ii) Providing priority and level of protection criteria for the corresponding Space Weather systems;
2) Work closely with the Services Commission (SERCOM) Standing Committee on Services for Aviation (SC-AVI) to support the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in the operation and further enhancement of the space weather information service for international air navigation, including the development or refinement of space weather-related operational procedures and best practices amongst the ICAO-designated global and regional space weather providers
3) Liaise with relevant WMO Programmes, technical commissions and their subsidiary bodies as well as other international bodies as required to
a) Develop guidelines for the provision and quality assurance of sustained Space-Weather data and operational services Provide guidance to WMO Members and partner organizations for their development of specification and emergency response activities for severe and high impact space weather events
a) Provide guidance to Members on the establishment of operational space weather service delivery as relevant to ET-SWx, including development of best practices and operational procedures for Space Weather end-products and services following WMO Manuals, Guides and Guidelines
b) Coordinate capacity-building, training and outreach activities towards WMO Members and their service providers together with partner organizations
4) Regularly review new developments and advances in Space Weather event monitoring and prediction, particularly with regard to severe and high impact Space Weather events in collaboration with RSMCs for Space Weather.
a) In collaboration with (other international organizations and space weather initiatives identify a way forward to collect and make available information on severe and high impact Space Weather events
5) In collaboration with other relevant WMO Standing Committees and with the assistance of the WMO Space Systems and Utilization Division prepare a new four-year plan for WMO activities related to Space Weather for 2023 – 2027.
6) Ensure coordination of the work of ET-SWx, with the support of the Coordinator on Satellite Matters (C-SAT), with other Standing Committees, Expert Teams and Study Groups of the Technical Commissions and with the Research Board;
7) Coordinate WMO Space Weather related activities with other relevant organizations as required.

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