Standing Committee on Marine Meteorological and Oceanographic Services (SC-MMO)


Mr John PARKER - Core member- ( Canada )
Mr BOUKSIM, Hassan - Vice-chair- ( Morocco )
Dr Øyvind Breivik - Core member- ( Norway )
Dr Mark Hemer - Core member- ( Australia )
Mr Kohno, Nadao - Core member- ( Japan )
Mr Qvistgaard, Keld - Core member- ( Denmark )
Dr Yuelong Miao - Core member- ( Australia )
Mr Alejandro DE LA MAZA - Core member- ( Chile )
Mr Ezekiel SEBEGO - Core member- ( South Africa )
Mr Geoffrey DUNSWORTH - Core member- ( Canada )
Mr Michael Martens - Core member- ( Germany )
Ms Justyna Wodziczko - Core member- ( Norway )

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Terms of Reference

(a) Develop, for consideration by the Executive Council and Congress, proposals for international standards for methods, procedures, techniques and practices in marine meteorology, oceanographic and coastal services (including services on lakes and inland waterways) including, in particular, the relevant parts of the Technical Regulations, guides and manuals;

(b) Under the general guidance of Congress and the Executive Council, carry out functions – with other bodies as necessary – relating to the planning, implementation and evaluation of the scientific and technical programme activities related to marine and coastal services, of the Organization;
Specifically, this will include:
• develop and maintain WMO normative material related to marine meteorological, oceanographic and coastal service delivery, as specified in the WMO Technical Regulations
• develop common marine meteorological, oceanographic and coastal service delivery attributes
• ensure Members are able to contribute to the met-ocean requirements in updating relevant documentation for the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) guidelines
• assist Members to enhance marine meteorological, oceanographic and coastal service delivery capabilities and enable effective implementation and compliance
• cooperate and partner with relevant bodies, especially the IMO, the IHO and the JCB, to enhance marine meteorological, oceanographic and coastal service delivery.

(c) Update the definition of competency requirements and Quality Management approaches for marine meteorological, oceanographic and coastal services, including definition of standards for marine services provision and monitoring of their implementation, and maintain the relevant guidance material;

(d) Review and update user needs and requirements on marine meteorology, oceanographic and coastal services.

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