Capacity Development Panel

About us

The Executive Council Capacity Development Panel (EC-CDP) was established in 2019  by Resolution 7 (EC-71)

The focus of activities of the Panel has been to add value to the work of WMO by providing feedback and guidance rather than implementing specific capacity development activities, much of which is already being done elsewhere across WMO, and by Members. In addition, activities of the Panel focus on:

  • Assisting with the effective coordination of capacity development across WMO, which is believed to be central to the TORs of the Panel;
  • Complementing, rather than duplicating, any other work in the CDP-ETs and across WMO;
  • Ensuring that priority is given to those activities that will add most value;
  • Considering feedback and requests from relevant WMO bodies, including from Congress and EC.


WCDF at a glance
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WMO Capacity Development Framework 

Following Decision 12 (EC-72), the Capacity Development Panel was requested to review the WMO Capacity Development Strategy (WCDS). The revision of WCDS provided an opportunity to analyze the changing Capacity Development landscape, assess existing and future practices, and learn from others working in the same domain.

The revised document provides an overarching strategic framework for capacity development, therefore the new version was adopted by Congress-19 as a framework and it is entitled WMO Capacity Development Framework (WCDF).

The WMO Capacity Development Framework is expected to be published in all 6 WMO official languages in 2024. Meanwhile, this important document can be consulted at the Cg-19/Doc. 4.4(1), ANNEX, APPROVED. 


Applying the WMO Capacity Development Framework 

The Capacity Development Panel is collecting case studies demonstrating good practices when applying the WMO Capacity Development Framework. The initial set of cases is available below and the collection is intended to keep growing in order to include examples from all WMO Regional Associations.  

Those wishing to contribute to this collection can prepare Cases using the TEMPLATE and email to for consideration of the Panel. Your contribution will be most welcome!


China Case Study 

Sissa Case Study 

ARRCC Case Study


Mr Evan G. THOMPSON - Member - Representative of the Presidents of the WMO Regional Associations- ( Jamaica )
Dr Ardhasena SOPAHELUWAKAN - Member - Representative of the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Related Environmental Services and Applications (SERCOM)- ( Indonesia )
Dr Mary Scholes - Member - Representative of the Reasearch Board- ( South Africa )
Dr Yubin YU - Member- ( China )
Ms Jennifer Ann MILTON - Member - Representative of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems (INFCOM)- ( Canada )
Prof. Christophe Cudennec - Member - Representative of the Hydrological Coordination Panel (HCP)- ( International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) )
Prof. Ovuyovwiroye Peter ODJUGO - Member - Representative of the WMO Regional Training Centres- ( Nigeria )

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Terms of Reference

Terms of Reference (Resolution 7 (EC-78))

1. General Mandate
The Capacity Development Panel (CDP) shall maximize opportunities to help coordinate and provide guidance on capacity development activities across WMO and development partners that will ultimately contribute to accomplishing the WMO Long-Term Goals by strengthening and supporting capability and capacity of Members to provide effective weather, climate, hydrological, and related environmental services.

2. Specific Terms of Reference
The Panel will be responsible to the Executive Council through the Technical Coordination Committee on aspects of implementation, and the Policy Advisory Committee on aspects of policy and strategy. It will monitor the priorities of, and activities under, the WMO Strategic Plan, and the WMO Capacity Development Framework (WCDF) specifically:
(i) Promote the WCDF to relevant stakeholders in order to align their activities with the Framework, keep the WCDF under review, and propose updates and adjustments as necessary;
(ii) Provide peer review and recommendations during the development of the WMO Strategic and Operating Plan;
(iii) Provide guidance and oversight regarding WMO efforts to strengthen assistance to the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) of developing countries. This may include, inter alia, a focus on peer review by the Panel of significant capacity development activities across WMO, including activities of programmes and initiatives such as CREWs, SOFF, twinning arrangements and all WMO strategic initiatives;
(iv) Assist actors in coordinating capacity development activities across WMO and make recommendations to strengthen the connections between the various actors helping to avoid duplication of efforts. This may include reviewing synergies, gaps, and related funding mechanisms for capacity development activities;
(v) Review education and training policies and strategy, and assist the external review for designation and reconfirmation of WMO Regional Training Centres;
(vi) Provide guidance on the revision and development of competency frameworks and standards;
(vii) Provide guidance on identifying capacity development needs and on strengthening subregional, regional, inter-regional and other cooperation groups to establish synergies at inter-regional, subregional, and national levels, as well as to recommend activities to address gaps in capacity, and to identify capacity development opportunities;
(viii) Provide guidance regarding WMO efforts in gender equality and youth engagement;
(ix) Foster the engagement of academic and NMHS staff at the national, subregional, and regional levels, regarding research, the transfer of research to operations, and the application of research to improve operational delivery;
(x) Consider the work of the technical commissions and other subsidiary bodies of the Executive Council as it pertains to capacity development.

For further details about the Terms of Reference of the Capacity Development Panel, including working procedures, please consult WMO-No. 1256.

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