The Environmental Pollution and Atmospheric Chemistry Scientific Steering Committee (SSC-EPAC)

The Reaearch Board and its Environmental Pollution and Atmospheric Chemistry Scientific Steering Committee (EPAC SSC) oversee the implementation of the Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) Programme. GAW provides international leadership in research and capacity development in atmospheric composition observations and analysis through maintaining and applying long-term systematic observations of the chemical composition and related physical characteristics of the atmosphere, emphasizing quality assurance and quality control, and delivering integrated products and services related to atmospheric composition of relevance to users. The EPAC SSC takes the responsibility for the programme's strategic leadership and coordinates cross-cutting thematic activities and overarching activities in GAW. To learn more about the activities of the GAW Programme, please visit the GAW activity area. The EPAC SSC ensures global representativeness in terms of region and gender in all GAW structures. In support of the overarching mission of WMO, GAW supports WMO to effectively assist Member countries in their quest for sustainable development.

GAW currently consists of Expert Teams who address technical aspects of the research infrastructure and are in close collaboration with the Commision on Infrastructure. The GAW Scientific Advisory Groups have the mandate to advance our scientific understanding of atmospheric composition. The GAW Initiatives Steering Committees facilitate the translation of science to services. The interaction of these groups are visualized below. The detailed Terms of Reference of each group can be found on the governance page of the respective group that you find under related groups below.


. GAW structure


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Terms of Reference

EPAC SSC terms of reference (CAS-16, doc.10).
The Environmental Pollution and Atmospheric Chemistry Scientific Steering Committee (EPAC SSC) consisting of leading experts tasked to assist, guide and advise the Commission activities related to environmental pollution and atmospheric chemistry and the Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) Programme, with ToR as described in Annex 2 to Resolution 2 (CAS-16):

(a) To keep informed of scientific developments in the fields of environmental pollution and atmospheric chemistry, including the interrelationships between changes in atmospheric composition, global and regional climate and other aspects of the Earth system, and disturbances to the natural cycles of chemical species in the atmosphere/ ocean/biosphere system;
(b) To advise CAS and recommend actions that WMO should take to promote, initiate, facilitate or set priorities for:

(i) Long-term globally integrated observations of atmospheric composition and related physical parameters, including greenhouse gases, ozone, ultraviolet (UV) radiation, reactive gases, aerosols and precipitation chemistry;

(ii) The high quality, timeliness and continuity of data from the monitoring network, including aircraft and satellites;

(iii) A system for real-time or near real-time data delivery and exchange;

(iv) User-friendly access to data and the application of data for analysis, satellite and model validation, assimilation and environmental assessments;

(v) Research on transport, transformation, deposition and sources and sinks of atmospheric constituents on all space- and timescales using observational and modelling tools;

(vi) The development of modelling tools, including predictive capability, for support of atmospheric environment research;

(vi) Research on urban air quality;

(vii) Development of products and services in the area of atmospheric chemistry taking into consideration socio-economical needs;

(c) To contribute to the development of and to review the science and implementation plan for the GAW Programme;

(d) To facilitate cooperation with other relevant programmes and organizations inside and outside WMO, including GFCS, WIGOS/WIS, GCOS, GEO, satellite initiatives, WWRP, and WCRP and other WMO technical commissions, bodies and Programmes;

(e) To promote CAS activities in support of international conventions.

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