We need your insights into the activities proposed under following action areas : Action area ‘FLOODS’ Action area ‘DROUGHTS AND SUPPORT TO FOOD SECURITY AGENDA’ Action area ‘INTERFACES WITH SCIENCE’ Action area ‘WATER RESOURCES ASSESSMENT AND INFORMATION FOR SDG’ Action area ‘WATER QUALITY’ Action
Earlier today, the 72nd Session of WMO's Executive Council approved, through Resolution 4.1(6)/1* (EC-72), an amendment to WMO Technical Regulations (WMO-No. 49), Volume II, Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation to align with Amendment 79 of ICAO Annex 3. * Provisional resolution
Earlier today, Mr Kent Johnson (Canada) was selected as the second vice-chair of WMO's Standing Committee on Services for Aviation (SC-AVI). Kent joins the chair of SC-AVI, Mr Ian Lisk (United Kingdom), and first vice-chair of SC-AVI, Ms Gaborekwe Khambule (South Africa), as the senior leadership
The first HydroSOS Webinar was held on May 12 2020. The subject was Soil Moisture Remote Sensing and was kindly imparted by our HydroSOS team member Mariette Vreugdenhil from the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien). The topics discussed for this introduction to Soil Moisture Remote Sensing
Las palabras significativas que forman el nombre de un departamento, división interna o área de una organización o empresa se escriben con mayúsculas iniciales. Sin embargo, es frecuente encontrar frases como «El sindicato avisó al departamento de Recursos Humanos», «El departamento de salud avisa a
In view of the creation of the new Services for Aviation (AVI) website ( https://www.wmo.int/aviation), WMO has today decommissioned the legacy Aeronautical Meteorology Programme (AeMP) website ( https://www.wmo.int/aemp). The legacy AeMP website automatically redirects visitors to the new AVI
The Chair of WMO's Services Commission (SERCOM) Standing Committee on Services for Aviation (SC-AVI), Mr Ian Lisk, has made his first selection of members of the Standing Committee. The composition as well as the terms of reference of the Standing Committee is available here. In due course the core
HydroSOS was featured in the WMO Bulletin vol. 69 - Climate and Water. The article is entitled: HydroSOS – The Hydrological Status and Outlook System towards providing information for better water management By Alan Jenkins, Harry Dixon, Victoria Barlow, Katie Smith, Johannes Cullmann, Dominique
WMO has just published the 2019 edition of WMO-No. 306, Manual on Codes – International Codes, Volume I.2, Part B – Binary Codes and Part C – Common Features to Binary and Alphanumeric Codes. The new edition is available via the WMO e-Library here in English, French, Spanish and Russian. CLICK HERE
The RA II WIGOS Project Newsletter Vol. 11 No. 1, June 2020, is now available from http://www.jma.go.jp/jma/jma-eng/satellite/ra2wigosproject/ra2wigosnewsletter.html.