Monitoring and Evaluation
EW4All Dashboard

Related Materials
- Hydromet Gap Report 2024
- Hazard Monitoring and Forecasting in LDCs 2024
- Status of Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems (MHEWS) in Least Developed Countries (LDCs) Report 2024
- Global Status of Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems 2024 (
- Status of Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems in the Least Developed Countries 2024
- Early Warnings for All in Focus: Hazard Monitoring and Forecasting (2023) to more informed decision-making
- Theory of Change
- M&E Framework
Country Hydromet Diagnostics
The Country Hydromet Diagnostics offers a peer-to-peer, standardized framework for assessing National Meteorological Services, their operations, and their role in providing reliable weather, climate, hydrological, and environmental information. It synthesizes existing WMO assessment tools, validates data through peer review, and identifies information gaps to support policy and investment decisions, especially for the Alliance for Hydromet Development. Drawing from practices like the OECD's peer review model, advanced meteorological services from various countries ensure a consistent and comprehensive assessment process. Access country reports for detailed insights.
Climate Services Dashboard
Hydro Survey Dashboard

WMO Integrated Processing and Prediction System (WIPPS) Dashboard
WMO Energy Dashboard
2024-2027 Key Performance Indicators
Download 2024-2027 Key Performance Indicators List
What is Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)?
Monitoring and Evaluation are essential components of the WMO Results Based Management System. They constitute the tools for measuring performance in the timely implementation of the WMO Strategic Plan and Operating Plan. They also contribute to the identification of good practices and lessons learned which inform the next phase of the strategic planning cycle.
The M&E framework consists primarily of identifying indicators (measures) which can be feasibly and reliably tracked during the life of the strategy, and putting in place the necessary resources to be able to collect, analyze and report on that information. It also consists of establishing a plan for what will be reviewed and evaluated during the strategic cycle, and how. In this way, the M&E framework is the primary support to establishing accountability of the Organization regarding the implementation of the Strategic and Operating Plans.
Why is M&E important?
- Helps improve performance and achieve results
- Contributes to more informed decision-making
- Promotes learning and shared knowledge creation
- Ensures accountability
Performance Reports
- WMO Performance Assessment Report 2020-2022
- WMO Performance Assessment Report 2016-2019
- WMO Performance Assessment Report 2012-2015
- Performance Monitoring Plan 2024-2027
- WMO Integrated Strategic Planning Handbook (WMO-No. 1180, 2016)
- A Primer on Public Policy and Management with a Focus on National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (WMO-No.1289)