SWFP-South Pacific

Beneficiary Countries/States:10 Small Island Developing States in South Pacific: Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Nauru, Niue, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu
Regional SWF Centre:

Other relevant Centres:

Global Centres/WMCs:
Main Focus (Severe weather types):Heavy rain, strong winds and damaging waves
Development Planning inception:2009
Present Status:Phase-IV (sustain operations and continue further development)
Download:Regional Subprogramme Implementation Plan (RSIP)
Development Partners/ Donors:

SWFP implementation in South Pacific

The SWFP-South Pacific was initiated as 'demonstration project' in 2009. 

Following decision by the Fifteenth World Meteorological Congress (Cg-XV, 2007), the development planning of a Severe Weather Forecasting and DRR Demonstration Project in RA V was started in 2009 with participation of four Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in South Pacific focusing mainly on heavy rain, strong winds and damaging waves. The contributing global and regional Centres include: Australian BoM, ECMWF, JMA and NCEP/NOAA, RSMC Wellington (lead Regional Centre) and RSMC Nadi (for tropical cyclone forecast support).

The first meeting of the Regional Sub-project Management Team (now Regional Sub-programme Management Team) (RSMT) was held in Wellington in April, 2009 to develop the regional subproject implementation plan (RSIP). The RSMT is mainly composed of designated representatives of NMHSs of participating SIDS and contributing global and regional centres. Later, a password-protected RSMC Wellington website and web portal was developed for making available the agreed NWP products and satellite information for the subproject. An in-country preparatory training programme was also stated in October 2009 for capacity development of NMHSs in NWP products' interpretation and use in severe weather forecasting, and in improving delivery of warning services for hydromet hazards.

SWFDDP-South Pacific

The pilot demonstration phase was started in November, 2009 with participation of four SIDS including Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Fiji and Samoa. Later, five more SIDS namely: Kiribati, Tuvalu, Tonga, Niue & Cook Islands also joined the subproject and full demonstration phase was commenced in November, 2010 with participation of nine SIDS in the region. 

The SWFP training activities for Pacific SIDS are meant to develop capacity of the NMHSs on making best use of the available NWP (including ensemble) products and satellite information to improve severe weather and impact-based forecasting and warning services for hazardous weather through engagement of NMHSs with users including disaster management and civil protection authorities (DMCPAs) and media to fulfill their national obligation in reducing risks from meteorological hazards.

YearSWFP-South Pacific: Activities and Milestones since 2009
  • 6th Meeting of RSMT (Online, 23 July 2020) to review the progress. Considering Resolution 15 (Cg-18), RSMT also decided among others to drop the additional 'D' for DRR in the SWFDDP-South Pacific to rename it as SWFP-South Pacific where 'P' is for programme (Meeting Report)
  • Eighteenth World Meteorological Congress (Cg-18, June 2019) through its Resolution 15 (Cg-18) decided among others to remove the 'demonstration' designation of the SWFDP and renamed it as Severe Weather Forecasting Programme (SWFP)
  • 5th Meeting of RSMT (Noumea, New Caledonia, 27-28 July 2018) to review the subproject progress (Meeting Report)
  • In-county training for SIDS to develop capacity of the NMHSs in severe weather forecasting, EWS and engagement with disaster management and civil protection authorities (DMCPAs) 
  • 3rd Meeting of RSMT (Nadi, August 2013) to discuss, review and evaluate the subproject progress and update the RSIP.(Meeting Report)
  • In-county training for SIDS to develop capacity of the NMHSs in severe weather forecasting, EWS and engagement with disaster management and civil protection authorities (DMCPAs) 
  • Full demonstration continues
  • 2nd Meeting of RSMT (Wellington, November 2010) to review the subproject progress and to update RSIP (Meeting Report)
  • Start of full demonstration in November 2010 with participation of nine SIDS
  • Start of demonstration in November 2009 with participation of Fiji, Samoa, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu
  • Launch of RSMC Wellington website for SWFDDP-South Pacific in 2009
  • In-county preparatory trainings for participating Small Island Developing States (SIDS) (October 2009)
  • First Meeting of the Regional Subproject Management Team (RSMT) of SWFDDP-South Pacific (Wellington, April 2009) to develop regional subproject implementation plan (RSIP) of the subproject (Meeting Report)