Standing Committee on Hydrological Services
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Standing Committee on Hydrological Services (SC-HYD) | World Meteorological Organization (
Ms Natalie Kochon- ( Germany )
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Terms of Reference
(a) Review existing QMF-H guidance material on hydrological services, with due consideration to socio-economic and policy aspects, including the Technical Regulations, Volume III: Hydrology (WMO-No. 49), Guide to Hydrological Practices Volume II (WMO-No. 168), and develop and promote education and training support material with an emphasis on developing and least developed countries, under the overall coordination of the Hydrological Coordination Panel (HCP) and jointly with the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems (INFCOM) and the Capacity Development Panel (CDP);
(b) Guide the further development and implementation of the WMO community of practice on flood forecasting which provides access to interoperable technologies, including platforms and models, training and guidance material and related discussion forums;
(c) Contribute to the implementation of the WMO Flood Forecasting Initiative (FFI). Ensure that the hydrological component of all major projects related to flood forecasting, i.e., the Coastal Inundation Forecasting Initiative (CIFI), the Flash Flood Guidance System with Global Coverage (Flash Flood Guidance System (FFGS)/WGC) and the Severe Weather Forecasting Programme (SWFP), considers hydrometeorological data, product and forecast requirements, and reflects good practices for effective and sustainable flood forecasting;
(d) Guide the development of the service-related aspects to assess the hydrological status as well as forecasting and prediction (outlook component) of the Global Hydrological Status and Outlook System (HydroSOS) and support the overall implementation of HydroSOS;
(e) Provide scientific and technical advice to the WMO/GWP Associated Programme on Flood Management (APFM) and WMO/GWP Integrated Drought Management Programme (IDMP), and represent the WMO hydrological community at the APFM and IDMP governance meetings;
(f) Supervise and provide technical advice on the development of tools for water resources assessment and planning to assist decision-making including under climatic variability and change, and guide the development of a community of practice on water resources assessment through a HelpDesk approach;
(g) Hydrological contributions to EW4All Initiative by provision of assistance to Members in enhancing their flood forecasting, and overall hydrological services capabilities;
(h) Support WMO bodies in the provision of assistance to Members in enhancing their services, including but not limited to: SC-DRR, SC-AGR, SC-CLI, HCP, RB, INFCOM and RAs;
(i) Provide technical consultation to the development of WIPPS to assure hydrological data, forecast models and systems are integrated into the WIPPS in coordination with the Standing Committee on Data Processing for Applied Earth System Modelling and Prediction (SC-ESMP) of INFCOM; and
(j) Support development and enhancement of services related to the cryosphere.
(b) Guide the further development and implementation of the WMO community of practice on flood forecasting which provides access to interoperable technologies, including platforms and models, training and guidance material and related discussion forums;
(c) Contribute to the implementation of the WMO Flood Forecasting Initiative (FFI). Ensure that the hydrological component of all major projects related to flood forecasting, i.e., the Coastal Inundation Forecasting Initiative (CIFI), the Flash Flood Guidance System with Global Coverage (Flash Flood Guidance System (FFGS)/WGC) and the Severe Weather Forecasting Programme (SWFP), considers hydrometeorological data, product and forecast requirements, and reflects good practices for effective and sustainable flood forecasting;
(d) Guide the development of the service-related aspects to assess the hydrological status as well as forecasting and prediction (outlook component) of the Global Hydrological Status and Outlook System (HydroSOS) and support the overall implementation of HydroSOS;
(e) Provide scientific and technical advice to the WMO/GWP Associated Programme on Flood Management (APFM) and WMO/GWP Integrated Drought Management Programme (IDMP), and represent the WMO hydrological community at the APFM and IDMP governance meetings;
(f) Supervise and provide technical advice on the development of tools for water resources assessment and planning to assist decision-making including under climatic variability and change, and guide the development of a community of practice on water resources assessment through a HelpDesk approach;
(g) Hydrological contributions to EW4All Initiative by provision of assistance to Members in enhancing their flood forecasting, and overall hydrological services capabilities;
(h) Support WMO bodies in the provision of assistance to Members in enhancing their services, including but not limited to: SC-DRR, SC-AGR, SC-CLI, HCP, RB, INFCOM and RAs;
(i) Provide technical consultation to the development of WIPPS to assure hydrological data, forecast models and systems are integrated into the WIPPS in coordination with the Standing Committee on Data Processing for Applied Earth System Modelling and Prediction (SC-ESMP) of INFCOM; and
(j) Support development and enhancement of services related to the cryosphere.