Study Group on Integrated Energy Services (SG-ENE)

Study group on Integrated Energy Services

At its first meeting in April 2020, SERCOM decided to establish the study group on Integrated Energy Services (SG-ENE) (SERCOM-1/Doc.3) for the first intersessional period, with the terms of reference provided here. The SG-ENE is composed of 16 technical experts, including the Chair (Dr Alberto Troccoli) and Vice-chair (Dr. Tobias Fuchs), selected from the WMO Expert Network by the President of the Commission.  Other technical experts may be invited, on a needs basis, to serve as Observers on the study group, as determined by the chair/vice-chair of the study group in consultation with the president of the Services Commission. For the biography of the group members, click here


In Resolution 63 (Cg-17) — Energy as an Additional Priority Area of the Global Framework for Climate Services, the World Meteorological Congress decided to pilot interventions in selected countries to support Members to develop sustainable energy pathways. The general purpose of the Study Group on Integrated Energy Services (SG-ENE) is to implement the WMO Strategic Plan (Long-Term Goal 1, Strategic Objective 1.2) under the overall guidance of the Services Commission in creating and sustaining an ongoing program of service delivery for the Energy sector, especially for the subsector on renewable energy, and to implement the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) Energy Exemplar to GFCS, which identifies the needs of, and services for, the energy sector.

Complementary Documents 

Interaction channels for members: 

SG-ENE meetings