Aviation | Resources | Newsletters | 2022-2

Newsletter Issue 2/2022 (December 2022)
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- Foreword by the Chair of WMO Standing Committee on Services for Aviation
- Outcomes of the second session of the Services Commission (SERCOM-2)
- Highlights of the 2022 Aviation Meteorology Training Seminars
- Outcomes of recent SC-AVI subsidiary body meetings: ET-MHS-2 | ET-CCV-2
- Highlights of the AvRDP2-SSC-1 meeting
- Report on the outcomes of the 2021 global survey on gender equality in aeronautical meteorology
- Preparations for the Eighth International Workshop on Volcanic Ash (IWVA-8)
- Look-ahead to the Aeronautical Meteorology Scientific Webinars 2023
- WMO Information System 2.0 demonstration video
- News from the ICAO Secretariat
- News from the WMO Secretariat
- Upcoming WMO meetings and events
- Coming up next time
Foreword by the Chair of WMO Standing Committee on Services for Aviation
Welcome to the December 2022 SC-AVI newsletter. It’s been another very busy 6-months and, for me, has meant a lot more face-to-face meetings including the back-to-back second sessions in Geneva in October of the WMO Services Commission (SERCOM) and Infrastructure Commission (INFCOM) and the joint ‘UN Early Warnings for All’ Technical Conference on the middle weekend. The intensive October schedule is tangible evidence of the ‘travel once, meet many’ principles that we’re looking to employ across WMO as part of our wider efforts to reduce our travel-related carbon footprint.
Getting back to the less time pressured format of day-long face-to-face to meetings with all the associated opportunities to discuss issues in the side lines has, I am sure, resulted in much better informed decision-making. We do though have more work to do in ensuring that in delivering these intensive multi-meeting events we don’t burn people out, an issue that the WMO Secretariat and I will be monitoring closely during the 5-meetings/conference/workshop in 12-days extravaganza that takes place around the 8th International Workshop on Volcanic Ash (IWVA-8) in Rotorura, New Zealand in early February 2023. (See news item below for more on this.)
I’m delighted that this newsletter includes an article on the outcomes of the 2021 global survey on gender equality in aeronautical meteorology. This has already been a significant piece of work but the even more important next step will be acting on the results to ensure that fairness and inclusiveness become fundamental elements of our wider capacity development activities.
Finally, I hope you enjoying reading in this edition about some of our more technical initiatives and in particular how SERCOM SC-AVI is delivering these in close coordination with our WMO colleagues in INFCOM, the Research Board and with experts in other organizations such as IAVCEI and ICAO.
Here’s to 2023… WMO Congress year!
Ian Lisk
United Kingdom Met Office
Chair of WMO Standing Committee on Services for Aviation (SC-AVI)
Outcomes of the second session of the Services Commission (SERCOM-2)
Submitted by Greg Brock, WMO Secretariat
The second session of the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and other Environmental Services (SERCOM-2) was convened at WMO headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland from 17 to 21 October 2022. The session, which included an online component for those unable to travel to Geneva, was attended by more than 400 delegates from nearly ninety Members of SERCOM and several international organizations, including the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

SERCOM is the parent technical commission of the Standing Committee on Services for Aviation (SC-AVI) and, as a consequence, SERCOM-2 addressed all of the recommendations arising from an SC-AVI-2 meeting held in March/April 2022.
The Members of SERCOM formulated recommendations and took decisions on an array of subjects linked to service delivery, including as these relate to the provision of aeronautical meteorological services.
Of specific relevance to the aeronautical meteorology community, SERCOM-2 formulated a recommendation on a proposed amendment to the Technical Regulations (WMO-No. 49), Volume I, General Meteorological Standards and Recommended Practices and update to the Compendium of WMO Competency Frameworks (WMO-No. 1209) addressing the qualification and competency requirements of aeronautical meteorological personnel (observers and forecasters). Note, there is a communications package pertaining to the proposed amendment available here, including frequently asked questions (FAQs), downloadable information sheets and a discussion forum. [This communication package will soon be updated to reflect the outcomes of SERCOM-2 and to elaborate with examples of implementation in practice.]
SERCOM-2 also formulated a recommendation pertaining to a plan of action on the discontinuation of Technical Regulations (WMO-No. 49), Volume II, Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation. Similarly, there is a communications package pertaining to the discontinuation of WMO-No. 49, Volume II available here, including frequently asked questions (FAQs), downloadable information sheets and a discussion forum.
These two recommendations will be submitted to the nineteenth World Meteorological Congress (Cg-19) for consideration and adoption as part of Cg-19 resolutions. The Cg-19 session will be convened in May/June 2023.
WMO Members and their aeronautical meteorological service providers are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the aforementioned communications packages in advance of Cg-19 and, as necessary, to submit comments or questions via the discussion forums.

In addition, SERCOM-2 formulated recommendations on proposed updates to WMO guidance material addressing aeronautical meteorological service delivery (WMO-No. 732) and the cost recovery of aeronautical meteorological services (WMO-No. 904). These recommendations will be submitted to the seventy-sixth session of the WMO Executive Council (EC-76) for consideration and adoption through EC-76 resolutions. EC-76 will be convened in February/March 2023.
Members of SERCOM also noted, through an information paper, the status of an update to the long-term plan for aeronautical meteorology and approved, through the formulation of a SERCOM-2 resolution, a minor amendment to the terms of reference of SC-AVI.
Other highlights of SERCOM-2 included the formulation of recommendations on the following matters (non-exhaustive): A proposed new edition of the WMO Strategy for Service Delivery (WMO-No 1129); proposed amendments to the Basic Instruction Package for Meteorologists (BIP-M) and Basic Instruction Package for Meteorological Technicians (BIP-MT); an implementation plan for the methodology of cataloguing hazardous weather, climate, water and space weather events; an implementation plan for a global multi-hazard alert system (GMAS) framework; a concept note for a multi-hazard early warning services (MHEWS) interoperable environment framework; and an implementation plan for a WMO Coordination Mechanism (WCM) through which WMO can coordinate enhanced support to the United Nations and humanitarian agencies. SERCOM-2 also formulated a decision to further promote gender equality.
Immediately after the SERCOM-2 session, a joint technical conference (TECO) of SERCOM and the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems (INFCOM) was convened on 22 October 2022. The theme of the TECO was: The UN Global Early Warning Initiative for Climate Adaptation: Early Warnings For All. The TECO was then followed by a second session of the Infrastructure Commission (INFCOM-2) from 24 to 28 October 2022. The next session of the Services Commission (SERCOM-3) is tentatively scheduled for 18 to 22 March 2024 at WMO headquarters, in Geneva, Switzerland.
The next session of the Infrastructure Commission (INFCOM-3) is also scheduled for Q1 2024, although the two technical commissions are not expected to convene their next sessions back-to-back.
Highlights of the 2022 Aviation Meteorology Training Seminars
Submitted by Greg Brock, WMO Secretariat
In November 2022, the United Kingdom Met Office (UKMO), Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) and Meteorological Service of New Zealand (MetService) in collaboration with WMO conducted an Aviation Meteorology Training Seminar. Similar to last year's training seminar (read more here), owing to the prevailing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic the 2022 seminar was conducted entirely online, making use of a Moodle training portal and videoconference facilities.
The 2022 seminar focussed on three main topics, namely: 1) Ceiling and visibility for aerodromes; 2) Responding to volcanic ash; and 3) Icing.
Nearly 120 nominations were received from more than 50 countries across WMO Regional Associations I (Africa), II (Asia), V (South-West Pacific) and VI (Europe). From these nominations, the organizing committee shortlisted 60 participants from 42 countries to participate in the seminar, with a priority given to nominees from least developed countries (LDC) and small island developing States (SIDS). Nearly one-half (45%) of the participants selected were female. A majority of the participants were aeronautical meteorological forecasters working at aerodrome meteorological offices and meteorological watch offices. The average age of participants was 38.
Overall the seminar was deemed a great success. Participants welcomed the opportunity to view a series of pre-recorded video presentations, to engage in discussion forum chats, complete quizzes and exercises, and the ability to interact with other participants 'live' during a series of online sessions.
In view of the clear demand for such training, WMO and partner resource agencies will explore the feasibility to run the same or a similar type of event in 2023. Information will appear in the news feed section of the WMO Services for Aviation website if/when applicable.
In the meantime, in the first quarter of 2023 WMO intends to make the 2022 training seminar resources available to all registered Moodle account holders via this link. If you don’t yet have a Services for Aviation Moodle account but would like to register one for free, please click here. Once registered, you’ll be able to access the full range of resources that WMO’s Expert Team on Education, Training and Competency makes available.
Outcomes of recent SC-AVI subsidiary body meetings
Second meeting of the Expert Team on Aeronautical Meteorological Hazards Science (ET-MHS-2)
Submitted by Stéphanie Wigniolle, WMO Secretariat
The SC-AVI Expert Team on Aeronautical Meteorological Hazards Science (ET-MHS) held its second meeting, on 29 and 30 September 2022, in person at the premises of the UK Met Office and online for those experts unable to travel. See the ET-MHS-2 working documentation here.
The meeting conducted a thorough review and discussed feedback of the 2022 edition of the scientific webinars which focused on significant convection and associated hazards. Lessons learned from this event held in June 2022 were analyzed and it was acknowledged that a large part of the work done for the preparation and conducting of this 2022 webinar edition would be beneficial to any potential future event of the same kind. Action was taken to progress the edition of the summary of the webinar.
As a natural follow-up of the scientific webinars, the second main discussion topic of ET-MHS-2 was dedicated to the WMO Aeronautical Meteorology Scientific (AeroMetSci) conference expected to be held in 2024. An initial planning with some of the main milestones was agreed by ET-MHS members, as well as a couple of actions to foster the identification of a location and venue for the conference.
Some expert team core members, as well as two colleagues from the UK Met Office, kindly provided the meeting with informative presentations about recent innovative scientific and technological developments within their organizations, in the aeronautical meteorology domain and supporting the information services provided to the aviation community, locally (airport), nationally or internationally. The meeting was also informed about matters such as strengthening interaction between the aeronautical meteorological office and the air traffic control centres, Quality Management System (QMS) for certification purposes, focusing on quality control of met reports and training standardization, data optimization for ATM (SIGMET, TAF, nowcasting products, satellite imagery etc.), and IT/communications requirements.
ET-MHS-2 also considered the recent developments of the WMO Aviation Research and Development Project – Phase 2 (AvRDP2) jointly governed by the WMO Research Board World Weather Research Programme and SC-AVI. AvRDP2 is focused on significant convection. The Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) of the project held its first in-person meeting on the three days immediately prior to ET-MHS-2. Experts from ET-MHS who are members of the AvRDP2 SSC reported to the meeting on discussions and decisions made by the AvRDP2 SSC, including about the two main capabilities for nowcasting and forecasting of convection over specific routes, that AvRDP2 plans to develop and demonstrate. More information on AvRDP2 can be found on the project website. As AvRDP2 could serve at demonstrating the ICAO HWIS concept for convection, ET-MHS discussed some HWIS-related topics to be further explored and discussed in the context of this demonstration.
The meeting conducted the necessary updating of the Operating Plan of the expert team and concluded with the need to foster the preparation for the 2023 AeroMetSci webinars, then for the AeroMetSci conference in 2024, and action was taken to progress plans for these events.
Second meeting of the Expert Team on the Impacts of Climate Change and Variability on Aviation (ET-CCV-2)
Submitted by Stéphanie Wigniolle, WMO Secretariat, in consultation with Lei Gu (China) and Ping Cheung (Hong Kong, China), co-chairs of ET-CCV
The SC-AVI Expert Team on the Impact of Climate Change and Variability on Aviation (ET-CCV) held its second meeting, on 7, 8 and 9 December 2022, in person at the WMO headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland and online for those experts unable to travel. See the ET-CCV-2 working documentation here.
Although the meeting reviewed all expected outputs under the expert team’s work programme, it focused more specifically on activities and deliverables of Expected Output No. 1 of the ET-CCV Operating Plan, for reports and advice on the climatological variation of aviation hazards (including icing, turbulence and convection) and extreme weather events (such as tropical cyclones), and their impacts on aviation. In addition, the meeting agreed upon an update to its Operating Plan.
Following a series of presentations by expert team core members about research and developments on the climatological variation of aviation hazards and extreme weather events and their impacts on aviation, experts considered the next steps for the development of the main deliverable of activities under Expected Output 1, which will consist of a report on findings from research and scientific investigations about the effects of climate change on several phenomena hazardous to aviation and their impact on aviation operations, on ground and in altitude. Hazardous weather and phenomena such as jetstream, turbulence, icing, convection, tropical cyclones and warmer temperatures will be considered. The meeting also identified leaders and contributors to each section of this report, as well as a timeline including the deadline for finalization (end December 2023). While the report will be based on results of research and scientific developments up to 2022, it will also highlight the remaining uncertainties, for instance on the extent and timeline of impacts of climate change and would indicate where further investigations would be needed.
ET-CCV-2 also reviewed past and recent awareness-raising events, publications, and communication and outreach activities addressing the impacts of climate change and variability on aviation. In particular, the meeting was informed about recent European initiatives involving some aviation stakeholders such as Eurocontrol and EASA and the meteorological research community in Europe, intended to further assess the impact of climate change on aviation operations and associated risks.
In addition, expert team members discussed initial ideas for contribution of ET-CCV to the next WMO Aeronautical Meteorology Scientific (AeroMetSci) conference expected to be held in late 2024. Close collaboration and coordination between ET-CCV and another science-focused team of SC-AVI, namely ET-MHS, would be critical for the success of this event. The necessary working structure would be put in place in the coming weeks for that purpose.
Highlights of the AvRDP2-SSC-1 meeting
Submitted by Stéphanie Wigniolle, WMO Secretariat, in consultation with Piers Buchanan (UK) and Chris Davis (USA), co-chairs of the AvRDP2 Scientific Steering Committee
AvRDP2 is the second phase (2021-2025) of an Aviation Research and Development Project, a project of the World Weather Research Programme (WWRP), led by the WMO Research Board (RB) with the SERCOM SC-AVI as a close partner linking WMO with ICAO and other aviation stakeholders to ensure the project is steered in the direction of the global air traffic management vision, as conveyed in the ICAO Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP). AvRDP2 focuses on scientific advancement and capacity development in observation, forecasting, and warning of significant convection and associated hazards, including improvement in nowcast and model forecast blending techniques or probabilistic forecast. It aims at demonstrating benefits of a gate-to-gate use of this advanced aeronautical meteorological information in the aviation operations environment.
AvRDP2 established the steering body of the project, i.e., the Scientific Steering Committee (SSC). Experts from RB/WWRP and SERCOM/SC-AVI form part of this SSC. In addition, these experts worked towards the establishment of a group of aviation users and stakeholders that would assist for the aforementioned purposes. This group, called the Community Advisory Group (CAG), serves as a satellite to the SSC. More information about the project can be found here. The SSC held several videoconferences over the first half of 2022 in order to kick off the work, especially for the development of the science plan of the project. Attention was also being paid by the SSC and the CAG to the selection, for the project purposes, of routes crossing climatologically convective areas (e.g. ITCZ), trans-oceanic and trans-continental routes and both long- and short/medium-haul flights.
In September 2022, the SSC held its first in-person meeting, which was kindly hosted by the Met Office, at its premises in Exeter, UK. The first part of the meeting was for knowledge sharing among SSC members on topics relevant to the project and obtaining ideas that could be applied to the project: definition of convection, convection-induced turbulence (CIT), detection and nowcasting of high-altitude ice crystals, machine learning techniques, verification, probabilistic forecasting, transfer of science to ATM (Air Traffic Management) and obtaining user feedback.
As far as convection-induced turbulence is concerned, the SSC meeting was informed about the most recent developments and results of the study conducted by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in collaboration with the Hong Kong Observatory, on convection-induced turbulence (CIT) associated with significant convection using a cloud-resolving variable resolution numerical weather prediction (NWP) model or a combination of NWP and machine learning technology. Stage 1 of the study has been completed. HKUST is now conducting Stage 2 which aims at designing and running an ensemble of model simulations of a sufficiently high number of CIT cases. The range of model configurations used to build the ensemble is based on variations of initial conditions and of numerical or physical schemes. HKUST has started to run some experiments with this ensemble, and is assessing its performance in simulating CIT.

SSC-1 then considered two of the air routes selected for the project purposes, one of a long-haul flight (London Heathrow to Johannesburg), one of a short haul flight (Hong Kong to Singapore). For each route, current operational procedures and perspectives on meteorological challenges for routing were discussed. Mr Klaus Sievers, representative of IFALPA (International Federation of Air Line Pilots' Associations), and member of the CAG, kindly joined the first two days of the meeting and provided an appreciated contribution to the discussion from a pilot’s perspective. Mr Peter Chadwick from Hong Kong Air Traffic Control centre introduced the ATC (Air Traffic Control) perspective on managing air spaces and air traffic flow in convective conditions.
After considering the recent development of the ICAO Hazardous Weather Information Service (HWIS) concept and how AvRDP2 can support HWIS as far as convection is concerned, the meeting agreed upon the development and demonstration of two main capabilities:
- Nowcasting capability for the tactical phase of flight (in-flight planning or re-routing) (top); and
- NWP probabilistic information for flight planning (bottom).
SSC-1 discussed these two capabilities and associated considerations such as blending of satellite imagery and NWP (nowcast) outputs, probabilities of convection derived from ensemble systems, how to augment/improve the existing global forecast capability (from the World Area Forecast System) with local, regional NWP outputs. Verification and validation of these two capabilities performance was also carefully considered by the meeting. Experts agreed that verification should be conducted in two phases, one for scientific/objective verification, one for a more subjective one based on users’ feedback.
The meeting agreed upon deliverables and a timeline for the project as well as the next steps, soon to result in a final version of the science plan.
Report on the outcomes of the 2021 global survey on gender equality in aeronautical meteorology
Submitted by Stéphanie Wigniolle and Adriana Oskarsson, WMO Secretariat
In 2021, WMO conducted a global survey to obtain feedback on the status of gender equality in aeronautical meteorology throughout the WMO Regions. The survey collated information on respondents’ experience – especially targeting observers and forecasters, service managers and senior managers working in the aeronautical meteorology - regarding gender equality in the workplace and empowerment of women in the aeronautical meteorology domain more generally.
Further to the article that appeared in the last newsletter (Issue 1/2022), WMO is pleased to announce that the analytical assessment of the 500+ responses to the 2021 global survey on gender equality in aeronautical meteorology has been completed. The Standing Committee on Services for Aviation (SC-AVI) Thematic Coordinator for Gender Mainstreaming, Claudia Ribero, with the assistance of other SC-AVI members as well as Lisa Vitols (Canada) and the WMO Secretariat has compiled a report that will be published soon (early 2023) as part of the WMO Aeronautical Meteorology (AeM) SERIES of publications. The report will include a series of conclusions and recommendations to help WMO, SC-AVI and others concerned devise strategies to increase the involvement of women in the aeronautical meteorology domain and to promote them to higher positions of responsibility at the national and international level.
In parallel to the publication of the report, SC-AVI intends to issue a set of information flyers, translated into all WMO official languages, which present the most salient information from the survey report.
Notification of the publication of the report on the survey and of information flyers will appear via the 'news feed' section of the WMO Services for Aviation website.
Preparations for the Eighth International Workshop on Volcanic Ash (IWVA-8)
Submitted by Greg Brock, WMO Secretariat
Final preparations are underway for the Eighth International Workshop on Volcanic Ash (IWVA-8), which is being convened by WMO at the Energy Events Centre in Rotorua, New Zealand on Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 February 2023.
The main objective of the workshop is to demonstrate the worldwide progress made in supporting the scientific and technological advancement within the international airways volcano watch (IAVW) over the past 10 years or more and to highlight where gaps and other limitations in capacity and capability still prevail. Click here to find out more about the IAVW. Responding to the evolving needs of the aviation industry, the workshop will also look to chart a path for scientific and technological advancement through this decade and beyond, thereby helping to inform the further development of the work plan of WMO’s Advisory Group on Volcanic Science for Applications (AG-VSA).
The intended workshop audience includes meteorological and volcanological scientists, researchers and operational personnel including service providers from volcanic ash advisory centres and State volcano observatories as well as aviation users including flight crew, airport and airspace managers, and airframe, engine and avionics original equipment manufacturers.
The 1.5 day workshop will comprise a blend of introductory keynote addresses, research and industry presentations including national and regional case studies, and panel discussions with opportunities for audience interaction.
The deadline to submit short abstracts elapsed last month (November). Nevertheless, there is still the opportunity for you to register to attend this exciting event! CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT IWVA-8, including how to register and the nominal registration fee involved.
Note, the IWVA-8 workshop is preceded by an IUGG International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI) Scientific Assembly 2023 at the same location (Rotorua Energy Events Centre) from Monday 30 January to Friday 3 February 2023. Information on the IAVCEI Scientific Assembly is available here. Details on other workshops that are proposed to be convened before (pre-) and after (post-) the IAVCEI Scientific Assembly are available here.
We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible in New Zealand!
Look-ahead to the Aeronautical Meteorology Scientific Webinars 2023
Submitted by Stéphanie Wigniolle, WMO Secretariat
As a consequence of the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic, WMO has taken the decision to further postpone the convening of an Aeronautical Meteorology Scientific Conference (AeroMetSci). Following on from the success of AeroMetSci-2017 held in Toulouse, France in November 2017 (see the conference proceedings here), the next in-person attendance event was originally due to take place in 2021 but has now been postponed to 2024 at the earliest.
In order to maintain community interest and engagement in the aeronautical meteorology domain during the pandemic, in June 2022 WMO conducted a series of web-based seminars (or ‘webinars’) on key topics addressing meteorological science and applications in support of international civil aviation.
Further to the article that appeared in the last newsletter, the SC-AVI, through its Expert Team on Aeronautical Meteorological Hazards Science (ET-MHS) and with the support of the Expert Team on the Impacts of Climate Change and Variability on Aviation (ET-CCV) and others, led the planning, preparation and conducting of the 2022 edition of the webinars across all six WMO regional associations. The webinars focused on significant convection and associated hazards.
Outputs of the 2022 webinars will include a final report comprising an overview of the presentations and a summary of the panel discussions as well as recommendations to help guide or direct future work and preparations for a physical AeroMetSci conference. Webinar materials including abstracts and presentations are available on the WMO Services for Aviation website (under 'Recent Events').
Building on the success of the 2022 edition of these scientific webinars, WMO is now exploring the feasibility to conduct further web-based seminars in mid-2023 on critical topics for safety and flight efficiency, such as turbulence and icing. Information on the 2023 webinars, if held, will appear on the WMO Services for Aviation website (under 'Related News') at the appropriate time.
WMO Information System 2.0 (WIS 2.0) demonstration video
Submitted by Greg Brock, WMO Secretariat
The WMO Information System (WIS) is a coordinated global infrastructure responsible for telecommunications and data management functions and is owned and operated by WMO Members. WIS provides an integrated approach suitable for all WMO Programmes to meet the requirements for routine collection and automated dissemination of observed data and products, as well as data discovery, access, and retrieval services for weather, climate, water, and related data produced by centres and Member countries in the framework of any WMO Programme. Click here to find out more about the WIS.
WIS 2.0 provides a framework for WMO data sharing in the 21st century, for all WMO Members and all the WMO disciplines in domains to embrace the Earth-system approach, enable the unified data policy, and support the global basic observing network (GBON).
WIS 2.0 is up and running and if you’d like to learn more, including a quick demonstration of how WIS 2.0 works, click here to watch a short video.
News from the ICAO Secretariat
Submitted by Jun Ryuzaki, Technical Officer, Meteorology, ICAO
ICAO Assembly – the 41st Session was held from September 27 to October 7 2022
The 41st session of the ICAO Assembly was held at ICAO headquarters in Montreal, Canada, from September 27 to October 7, 2022. Participants from 184 Contracting States and 57 international and regional organizations discussed further enhancement of safety, efficiency and sustainability of the international civil aviation. The latest editions of ICAO’s Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP) and Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP) were endorsed by the Assembly. In the area of aeronautical meteorology, topics discussed include regional volcanic ash exercises, harmonization of turbulence intensity calculation, and facilitation of IWXXM implementation. Further information is available here.
Preliminary review of METP/5 amendment proposals
During the 221st session of the ICAO Air Navigation Commission (ANC), the amendment proposals emanated from the Fifth Meeting of the ICAO Meteorology Panel (METP/5) were reviewed on 24 November 2022. These amendment proposals, which cover a wide range of topics, aim to facilitate the evolution of aeronautical meteorological services and their migration to an “information-centric“ environment under the System-Wide Information Management (SWIM) framework. Specifically, the amendment proposals address restructured Annex 3 and a new PANS-MET, further development of space weather information service, introduction of quantitative volcanic ash information (QVA) and upgrade of volcano observatory notice for aviation (VONA), extended use of IWXXM, further development of World Area Forecast System (WAFS) upper air gridded information and significant weather (SIGWX) forecast, and further clarification of the definition of “meteorological authority”. It is expected that these amendments will become applicable in November 2024. The consultation with the Contracting States will be conducted in the first half of 2023, followed by the final review in the 224th session of the ANC.
News from the WMO Secretariat
Submitted by Greg Brock, WMO Secretariat
This newsletter and the preceding newsletter (see here) highlight just some of a multitude of activities recently completed, currently underway or planned to be conducted by WMO in the aeronautical meteorology domain, especially through the work of the Standing Committee on Services for Aviation (SC-AVI) and its subsidiary bodies, supported by the WMO Secretariat of the Services for Aviation (AVI) Division.
As 2022 draws to a close and we look forward to 2023, the opportunity was this week taken by the Secretariat of the AVI Division (Greg Brock, Head, Stéphanie Wigniolle, Scientific Officer, and Adriana Oskarsson, Associate Programme Officer) to convene an end-of-year lunch with the Chair of SC-AVI (Ian Lisk) while he was on his eighth (!!) visit to Geneva this year. See picture.
2023 is shaping-up to be another very busy and productive year, with highlights expected to include the IWVA-8 workshop on volcanic ash in February, the nineteenth World Meteorological Congress in May/June, SC-AVI-3 in September, and a series of AeroMetSci webinars on icing and turbulence in mid- or late-2023, to name but a few.
Make sure that you periodically check the Services for Aviation website here to see what's happening. And please forward this newsletter to colleagues who may be interested in learning more about WMO's work in aeronautical meteorology.

Upcoming WMO meetings and events
Note: All information given here is subject to change.
- Eighth International Workshop on Volcanic Ash (IWVA-8), 4-5 February 2023, Rotorua
- First meeting of the Advisory Group on Volcanic Science for Applications (AG-VSA-1), 7-9 February 2023, Rotorua
- 76th Session of the Executive Council (EC-76), 27 February to 3 March 2023, Geneva
- Second meeting of the Expert Team on Education, Training and Competency (ET-ETC-2), 17-19 April 2023, Geneva
- Nineteenth World Meteorological Congress (Cg-19), 22 May to 2 June 2023, Geneva
- 77th Session of the Executive Council (EC-77), 5-6 June 2023, Geneva
Coming up next time...
In the next issue of the newsletter readers can look forward to:
- Highlights of the outcomes of the IWVA-8 workshop on volcanic ash
- A summary of the outcomes of EC-76 and Cg-19 of relevance to aeronautical meteorology
- Further news on the convening of a second series of Aeronautical Meteorology Scientific webinars
...and more!
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