Hydrological Coordination Panel
The Hydrological Coordination Panel is the WMO think tank on hydrology. It supports and advises on an integrated delivery of WMO water-related activities and undertakes preparatory work for the Hydrological Assembly, in relation to current and emerging scientific and technical water-related global challenges. The Panel integrates the hydrological work of WMO into the wider global water agenda, and supports and advises the EC Technical Coordination Committee (EC/TCC).
The Panel works in accordance with the purposes of the Organization related to hydrology including but not limited to Article 2(e) of the Convention:
To promote activities in operational hydrology and to further close cooperation between Meteorological and Hydrological Services.
Latest News
- Seventh Hydrological Coordination Panel meeting (HCP-7), final report
- WMO Plan of Action for Hydrology 2022-2030 (online version)
- WMO Hydrological Research Strategy – call for research proposals
- Fifth Hydrological Coordination Panel meeting (HCP-5), final report
- WMO Hydrology Survey (presentation and links to access the survey)
Documents adopted at 2nd Hydrological Assembly (HA-2)
- HA-2-d03: Sustainability Strategy for the Flash Flood Guidance System with Global Coverage (FFGS/WGC) [English only]
- HA-2-d04: End of Pilot Phase Report of the WMO Hydrological Status and Outlook System (HydroSOS) [Arabic] [Chinese] [French] [Russian] [Spanish]
- HA-2-d05: Plan for the establishment of WMO Hydrological Centres in GDPFS [Arabic] [Chinese] [French] [Russian] [Spanish]
- HA-2-d07: Terms of Reference of the Management Committee of Project X [Arabic] [Chinese] [French] [Russian] [Spanish]
Work in Progress
Work concluded
- WMO Vision and Strategy for Hydrology and its associated Action Plan
- WMO Water Declaration 2021 (WMO Water Declaration Resolution 6 (Cg-Ext(2021))
- Criteria for involvement of the hydrological community in WMO projects: HCP Project Support Group
- Statement on the term "hydrological normal"
- How to become a WMO Hydrology Expert
- Rules and Procedure of HCP
Terms of Reference & Members
Background Documents
- Resolution 5 (EC-71): Hydrological Coordination Panel
- Resolution 7 (Cg-18): Establishment of WMO Technical Commissions for the Eighteenth financial period
- Resolution 24 (Cg-18): Vision, Strategy and Organizational arrangements for hydrology and Water Resources in WMO
- Resolution 25 (Cg-18): Major Hydrological initiatives
- INF 5.3 (Cg-18): Summary and conclusions of the Hydrological Assembly
- Illustrations of the eight ambitions from the First Hydrological Assembly (2019) (Click on the "View original" link on the top-left side of your browser to see the illustrations)
- Presentations of the eight ambitions from the First Hydrological Assembly (2019)
- Commission for Hydrology (CHy) - Fifteenth session (CHy-15): Abridged final report with resolutions and recommendations
- Commission for Hydrology, Abridged Final Report of the Extraordinary Session - CHy-Ext.(2019)
- Seventh Hydrological Coordination Panel meeting (HCP-7), 3-5 February 2025, Geneva, Switzerland
- Sixth Hydrological Coordination Panel meeting (HCP-6), 17-19 January 2024, Geneva, Switzerland
- Fifth Hydrological Coordination Panel meeting (HCP-5), 23-26 January 2023, Prague, Czech Republic
- Fourth Hydrological Coordination Panel meeting (HCP-4), 9-12 May 2022, Geneva, Switzerland
- Third Hydrological Coordination Panel meeting (HCP-3), 22-23 and 25 February 2022 (online)
- Second Hydrological Coordination Panel meeting (HCP-2), 23-26 November 2020 (online)
- First Hydrological Coordination Panel meeting, 2-6 December 2019, Geneva, Switzerland