Panel on Polar and High Mountain Observations, Research, and Services (PHORS)

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Terms of Reference

Updated by EC-78 (2024):

General Mandate
The Panel on Polar and High-mountain Observations, Research and Services (PHORS) will prepare and provide strategic, advocacy, and engagement recommendations to the Executive Council (EC) with a focus on polar and high mountain regions and, globally, on vulnerable regions where the irreversible changes in snow, glaciers, permafrost and seasonally frozen ground, icesheets, sea-ice, and freshwater ice amplify the impacts of climate change, PHORS will:
(1) Operate under the general terms of reference of regional associations with regard to the WMO activities in Antarctica, as in Annex II to WMO General Regulations, Basic Documents No. 1 (WMO-No. 15);
(2) Collaborate with INFCOM, SERCOM, the Research Board, the WMO Regional Associations and other WMO bodies to achieve the effective integration in their respective work programmes of research, technical and operational priorities identified by Resolution 6 (Cg-19) and the WMO Strategic Plan (2024–2027), and foster their coordinated delivery.
(3) Establish and maintain effective collaborations with organizations and stakeholders outside of WMO, including the Arctic Council and its Working Groups, the Antarctic Treaty System and its Committee for Environmental Protection, in support of amplifying the existing capacity of Members to exchange data and deliver services, with a focus on WMO priorities;
(4) Advocate for priority actions for regions vulnerable to the impacts of the changing cryosphere located e.g. in the cryosphere, downstream of the cryosphere, on lowlands, in coastal areas, and on Small Island Developing States (SIDS).
(5) Foster consultations with Members and develop recommendations contributing to the WMO engagements in high-level, climate-related policy processes, such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), with a focus on the priorities approved by Resolution 6 (Cg-19);
(6) In collaboration with relevant WMO bodies, foster innovation and the transfer of research to services, by building on the successful implementation of the Arctic Regional Climate Centre network (ArcRCC), Third Pole Regional Climate Centre network (TPRCC-Network) and of the associated Regional Climate Outlook Forums;

Specific Terms of Reference relevant to Antarctica
(1) Facilitate the implementation of the Antarctic Regional Climate Centre network (AntRCC-Network) towards WMO designation, with the engagement of relevant sectors and stakeholders,
(2) Through consultations with Members, develop recommendations on and facilitate a mutually beneficial coordination through WMO of activities of Members with an interest in Antarctica and its Southern Ocean environment (South of 60˚S), consistent with the Earth system approach and the WMO Strategic Plan, including on the link between the Antarctica icesheet melt and its global impacts, and taking into account the particularities of programmes on Antarctica,
(3) Develop a strategy for Antarctic weather and marine services with a coordinating role by WMO, in consultation with Members, their Antarctic operators, and with parties to the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (ATCM), by building on the ongoing implementation of the Antarctic Regional Climate Centre network (AntRCC-Network);
(4) Maintain active engagements with groups such as the Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research (SCAR), the Council of Managers of National Antarctic Programmes (CONMAP), and others within the scope of the role of WMO on Antarctica.

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