SC-HYD intersession 2020-2023

SC-HYD-10_Group-pictureAt its first meeting in 2020, SERCOM decided to establish the Standing Committee on Hydrological Services  (SC-HYD) for the first intersessional period, with the terms of reference provided here. The SC-HYD is composed of 20 technical experts, including the Chair (Dr Yuri Simonov) and Vice-chair (Eng. Marcelo Uriburu Quirno), selected from the WMO Expert Network by the President of the Commission.  Other technical experts may be invited, on a needs basis, to serve as Observers on the Standing Committee, as determined by the chair/vice-chair of the Standing Committee in consultation with the president of the Services Commission. 

The SC-HYD has come up during its first two meetings with a detailed workplan, covering 13 different activities. More information about these activities is provided below. The SC-HYD will be working until the next ordinary session of the Services Commission where, if required, the Standing Committee can be re-established at the discretion of the Services Commission . The work of SC-HYD is done in coordination with the Hydrology and Water Resources activities of WMO.


SC-HYD meetings 

Related Activities


Below you will find all documents related to the activities to be undertaken by the Standing Committee on Hydrological Services 

Activity 1: Review existing QMF-H guidance material, and develop and promote education and training support material, including Technical Regulations, Volume III Hydrology (WMO No.49)



Background material

Please note that the background document below is access restricted, only SC-HYD members can access it as reference material to be considered for the terminology part in Tech. Reg. Vol.III. It is recalled (as stated in the minutes of the first two meetings) that these definitions were originally developed by UNDRR and submitted to WMO for review - the comments contained in the document represent WMO Secretariat opinions and/or suggestions to bring the UNDRR terminology in line with that used in various other WMO publications and manuals. 

Activity 2: Review existing guidance material on flood forecasting and develop new components, including finalization of Assessment guidelines


Background material


Activity 3: Development of a Community of Practice on flood forecasting providing access to interoperable technologies, including platforms and models, to training and guidance material and to related discussion



Background material

Work in progress

Activity 5: Ensure that all major projects under FFI (CIFI, FFGS, SWFP) include the requirements and reflect best practices for effective and sustainable flood forecasting



Background material

Work in progress


Activity 6: Guide the development of the forecasting and prediction aspects of the Global Hydrological Status and Outlook System (HydroSOS) including the development of Seasonal Hydrological Prediction (SHP) on the basis of Regional Climate Outlook Forums (RCOF) outputs. THIS ACTIVITY IS CONSIDERED COMPLETED AND ANY FOLLOW UPS HAVE BEEN INTEGRATED UNDER ACTIVITY 9.



Background materials

Activity 7: Provide scientific and technical advice to the WMO/GWP Associated Programme on Flood Management (APFM) and to represent WMO at the APFM governance meetings


Activity 8: Provide scientific and technical advice to the WMO/GWP Integrated Drought Management Programme (IDMP) and represent the WMO hydrological community at the IDMP governance meetings


Activity 9: Supervise and provide technical advice on the development of tools for water resources assessment and planning to assist decision-making including under climatic variability and change.



Background material

Work in progress

  • SC-HYD contributions to HydroSOS
  • WRA applied case studies and development of additional materials
  • Decision tree to enable the selection of proper methodologies and tools for WRA by Members 


Activity 11: Ensure collaboration with the Research Board and the Hydrological Coordination Panel on the definition of research priorities and needs for hydrometeorological activities in cooperation with external partners



Activity 12: Guidelines for verification of hydrological forecasts


Work in progress