Regional Association IV

About us

Regional Association IV (North America, Central America and the Caribbean) was established by the World Meteorological Congress, and extends from the Arctic to the tropics, which implies a great diversity of territories, ecosystems, climatic zones, cultures and languages. This Region is composed of 27 Members, including developed and developing States and Territories, Small Island Developing States and one Least Developed Country. Its supreme body meets at least every four years to outline the regional priorities and establish the corresponding work plans, considering the execution of the resolutions of Congress and the Executive Council in the Region, and the issuance of resolutions and decisions for the consideration of these two governing bodies.


Foreword by the President of the WMO Regional Association IV (RA IV)

Dear visitor,

Welcome to our redesigned and updated RA IV Community Platform.  After several months of hard work, this site is now ready to fulfil its purpose of keeping you informed about the work of our RA IV subsidiary bodies, as well as all RA IV activities and meetings.  This website will also help us to keep track of our progress with the RA IV Implementation Plan and the valuable contribution of the Chairs, Vice Chairs, other leaders and experts working in their different roles to serve our Members. 

A big “thank you” to everyone who has contributed to upgrading and maintaining this valuable information resource.  Let us all work together to keep it current.

Yours sincerely,
Mr. Evan Thompson


RA IV Membership

27 Member States and Territories in RA IV (22 of them having RA IV as the main region).
The list of Members of WMO RA IV can be found here.


RA IV Working Structure

Click on the box of your interest to see the details related to it.


RA IV Experts Appointed to Regional Subsidiary Bodies, WMO Technical Commissions & Research Board

(Open this dashboard in a new tab)


Regional Analysis of WMO Members

(Open this dashboard in a new tab)


RA IV Contact Information

WMO Representative Office for North America, Central America and the Caribbean (NCAC):

  • ☏ +506 22582370

  • ✉ Mr. Rodney Matinez Guingla:
         WMO Representative for North America, Central America, and the Caribbean

  • ✉ Dr. Federico Gomez-Delgado:
         Professional Officer

  • ✉ Mr. Jose Noboa:
         Administrative Assistant


RA IV Meeting & Events

Click on the description of the meeting or event of your interest to see the details related to it.

Upcoming Meeting & Events


Place / Venue


SDR Virtual Workshop #2 - Satellite Data for Hazard Monitoring (Mainly Spanish) Online 25 July 2024
Strengthening Cooperation for Disaster Risk Reduction in Central America: A Dialogue with the NASA Disaster Program for the Americas Online 8 August 2024
Twenty-Eighth Meeting of the RA IV ET on Services for Aviation Online 28 August 2024
Ninth Meeting of the RA IV ET on Disaster Risk Reduction Online 04 September 2024


Past Meeting & Events


Place / Venue


RA IV Webinar on Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in NMHSs Online 18 July 2024
ET-DRR Webinar - Impact-based Forecasting and CAP: Operational Use in Canada and the United States Online 11 July 2024
Webinar: La Niña Phenomenon in Central America (Only in Spanish) Online 04 July 2024
Eighth Meeting of the RA IV ET on Disaster Risk Reduction Online 03 July 2024
Regional Webinar: Evolution of La Niña in 2024 Online 02 July 2024
ET-AVI Webinar Series - Fourth Webinar of the RA IV ET on Services for Aviation Online 27 June 2024
Twenty-Seventh Meeting of the RA IV ET on Services for Aviation Online 26 June 2024
Regional Webinar - Climate Services in RA IV: Good Practices and Contribution to Adaptation and Risk Management Online 26 June 2024
Scoping Meeting for a Potential Severe Weather Forecasting Programme (SWFP) for Central America Online 25 June 2024
Thirty-Fifth Teleconference of the RA III-IV Coordination Group on Satellite Data Requirements (SDR) Online 17 June 2024
Thirty-Fifth Session of the RA IV Management Group Geneva, Switzerland
13 June 2024
Seventh Meeting of the RA IV ET on Disaster Risk Reduction Online 05 June 2024
Initial Regional Planning Meeting for EWS-F Central America and the Caribbean (EWS-F CA&C) Guatemala City, Guatemala
03-05 June 2024
Twenty-Sixth Meeting of the RA IV ET on Services for Aviation Online 29 May 2024
RA IV Webinar: Strengthening Cooperation Between NASA and WMO for Disaster Risk Reduction and Impact-based Forecasting in Central America Online 23 May 2024
SDR Virtual Workshop #1 - Clouds in the Cloud: Methods for Obtaining Satellite Data and their Characteristics (Only in Spanish) Online 16 May 2024
Sixth Meeting of the RA IV ET on Disaster Risk Reduction Online 08 May 2024
Launch of the WMO Report on the State of the Climate in Latin America and the Caribbean 2023 Online 08 May 2024
Twenty-Fifth Meeting of the RA IV ET on Services for Aviation Online 24 April 2024
Fifth Meeting of the RA IV Hydrological and Water Coordination Panel Online 19 April 2024
Introduction Meeting to Flood Early Warning Systems (EWS-F) and Flash Flood Guidance System (FFGS) in Central America and the Caribbean Online 08 April 2024
Second Meeting of the RA IV ET on Marine Meteorological and Oceanographic Services Online 04 April 2024
Fifth Meeting of the RA IV ET on Disaster Risk Reduction Online 03 April 2024
Twenty-Fourth Meeting of the RA IV ET on Services for Aviation Online 27 March 2024
Forty-Sixth Session of the RA IV Hurricane Committee Panama City, Panama
18-22 March 2024
RA IV Webinar: Introduction to WRF-MOSIT - A Modular and Cross-platform Tool for Configuring and Installing the WRF Model Online 13 March 2024
Twenty-Third Meeting of the RA IV ET on Services for Aviation Online 28 February 2024
Fourth Meeting of the RA IV ET on Disaster Risk Reduction Online 07 February 2024
Twenty-Second Meeting of the RA IV ET on Services for Aviation Online 31 January 2024
Thirty-Fourth Session of the RA IV Management Group Baltimore, United States of America
30 January 2024
Webinar on Rip Currents: Forecasting and Observation Online 23 January 2024
Regional Webinar for RA III and RA IV – Progress, good practices and challenges in regional numerical Weather Prediction: Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF) Online 19 December 2023
Closing Workshop of Training on Hydrological Prediction and Forecasting - Central America San Jose, Costa Rica
08 December 2023
Training on Hydrological Prediction and Forecasting - Central America San Jose, Costa Rica
06-07 December 2023
Closing Workshop of In-country Trainings on Hydrological Modelling - Central America San Jose, Costa Rica
04-05 December 2023
RA IV ET-CLI Support to the Implementation of the NCOF in Dominica (News) Roseau, Dominica
1 December 2023
RA IV Aviation Workshop San Jose, Costa Rica
27 Nov - 1 Dec 2023
Closing Workshop of In-country Trainings on Hydrological Data Management and Processing - Central America San Jose, Costa Rica
08-09 November 2023
Third Meeting of the RA IV ET on Disaster Risk Reduction Online 08 November 2023
Webinar on Hydrological Infrastructure in RAs III and IV: Good practices and contributions to the value chain of Operational Hydrology Online 08 November 2023
Closing Workshop of In-country Trainings on Hydrological Observation and Instrumentation (Hydrometry) - Central America San Jose, Costa Rica
06-07 November 2023
HydroSOS Caribbean Implementation Plan Workshop Bridgetown, Barbados
31 Oct - 2 Nov 2023
Twenty-First Meeting of the RA IV ET on Services for Aviation Online 25 October 2023
Eighth Hydrological Advisers Forum, RA IV - North America, Central America and the Caribbean Online 20 October 2023
Fourth Meeting of the RA IV Hydrological and Water Coordination Panel Online 13 October 2023
Second Meeting of the RA IV ET on Disaster Risk Reduction Online 04 October 2023
In-country Trainings on Hydrological Modelling - Central America Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama 02 Oct - 21 Nov 2023
Twentieth Meeting of the RA IV ET on Services for Aviation Online 27 September 2023
First Meeting of the RA IV ET on Disaster Risk Reduction Online 06 September 2023
Nineteenth Meeting of the RA IV ET on Services for Aviation Online 30 August 2023
Linking Science to Services - Sowing Seeds of Innovation: Hurricane Preparedness, Early Warning, Response and Recovery, Decisions and Timelines Online 30 August 2023
Regional webinar: existent capabilities and emerging opportunities on calibration of meteorological instruments in RA IV - 2nd Webinar of the RA IV Infrastructure Committee Online 24 August 2023
In-country Trainings on Hydrological Observation and Instrumentation (Hydrometry) - Central America Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama 18 Aug - 03 Oct 2023
Regional webinar on Extreme Heat and Health Services: Tools, good practices and challenges Online 10 August 2023
In-country Trainings on Hydrological Data Management and Processing - Central America Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama 08 Aug - 30 Oct 2023
Eighteenth Meeting of the RA IV ET on Services for Aviation Online 26 July 2023

Launch of the WMO Report on the State of the Climate in Latin America and the Caribbean 2022

Havana, Cuba

05 July 2023

Quality Management Systems (QMS) Webinar Series - Third Webinar of the RA IV ET on Services for Aviation


29-30 June 2023

Seventeenth Meeting of the RA IV ET on Services for Aviation


28 June 2023

Thirty-Third Session of the RA IV Management Group

Geneva, Switzerland

03 June 2023

Sixteenth Meeting of the RA IV ET on Services for Aviation


03 June 2023

Seventh Hydrological Advisers Forum, RA IV - North America, Central America and the Caribbean Online 12 May 2023

Third Meeting of the RA IV Infrastructure Committee


10 May 2023

Fifteenth Meeting of the RA IV ET on Services for Aviation


26 April 2023

Fourteenth Meeting of the RA IV ET on Services for Aviation


05 April 2023

Forty-Fifth Session of the RA IV Hurricane Committee

San Jose, Costa Rica

27-31 March 2023

First Regional Summit of National Hydrological and Meteorological Services and Risk and Disaster Risk and Emergency Management Systems

Punta del Este, Uruguay

27 February 2023

Third Meeting of the RA IV ET on Climate Services


24 February 2023

Thirteenth Meeting of the RA IV ET on Services for Aviation


22 February 2023

RA IV Regional Conference and parallel events

Kingston, Jamaica

6-9 February 2023

Twelfth Meeting of the RA IV ET on Services for Aviation


25 January 2023

Thirty-Second Session of the RA IV Management Group

Denver, USA

10 January 2023

RA IV Meeting & Events Archive here.



Click on the resource of your interest to view its content.

RA IV Resources

WMO Resources



Frequently asked questions and answers here.


WMO Regional Offices

Visit the website of the WMO Regional Office for the Americas here.