Tropical Cyclone Programme (TCP) - Events and Activities

Events and Activities (Working Documents)

(Click here for Final Reports of TCP Meetings)


Dates VenueEvent
  Advisory Group on Tropical Cyclones - 11th meeting (AG-TC-11)
16-20 November - TBCShanghai, China - TBCEleventh session of the International Workshop on Tropical Cyclones (IWTC-11)
October 2026OnlineSeventh Miniforum on Tropical Cyclone Outlook in the South West Indian Ocean
Q3OnlineRA I Tropical Cyclone Committee - Extraordinary session (RAI TCC-Ext2026)
Q3 - TBCTBDRA V Tropical Cyclone Committee - 24th Session (RAV TCC-24)
May - TBCOnlineAdvisory Group on Tropical Cyclones - 10th meeting (AG-TC-10)
TBDTBDWMO/ESCAP Panel on Tropical Cyclones - 53rd session (PTC-53)
TBDRSMC Miami, USARA IV Workshop on Hurricane Forecasting and Warning
TBDRSMC New Delhi, IndiaAttachment Training
TBDTBDRA IV Hurricane Committee - 48th Session (HC-48)
MarchKoreaESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee - 58th Session
JanuaryRSMC Tokyo, JapanAttachment Training



Dates VenueEvent
December - TBDOnlineAdvisory Group on Tropical Cyclones - 9th meeting (AG-TC-9)
OctoberOnlineSixth Miniforum on Tropical Cyclone Outlook in the South West Indian Ocean
6-10 OctoberTBCRA I Tropical Cyclone Committee - 26th Session (RAI TCC-26)
September - TBCRSMC La Reunion, FranceRA I Training Course on Tropical Cyclones  - 12th session
Q3OnlineRA V Tropical Cyclone Committee - 23rd Session (RAV TCC-23)
20-22 MayTokyo, JapanAdvisory Group on Tropical Cyclones - 8th meeting (AG-TC-8)
28 April-1 May - TBCOnline, QatarWMO/ESCAP Panel on Tropical Cyclones - 52nd session (PTC-52)
7-11 AprilRSMC Miami, USARA IV Workshop on Hurricane Forecasting and Warning
TBDRSMC New Delhi, IndiaAttachment Training
31 March - 3 April San Salvador, El SalvadorRA IV Hurricane Committee - 47th Session (HC-47)
17-20 FebruaryManila, PhilippinesESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee - 57th Session
13-24 JanuaryRSMC Tokyo, JapanAttachment Training


Dates VenueEvent
16-20 DecemberOnlineWMO/ESCAP Panel on Tropical Cyclones - 51st session (PTC-51)
10-11 DecemberOnlineAdvisory Group on Tropical Cyclones - 7th meeting (AG-TC-7)
3-5 December - TBCOnlineFourth International Workshop on Satellite Analysis of Tropical Cyclones (IWSATC-4)
31 OctoberOnlineFifth Miniforum on Tropical Cyclone Outlook in the South West Indian Ocean
14-18 OctoberRSMC Nadi, FijiRA V Training Course on Tropical Cyclones - 16th session
12 SeptemberOnlineRA I Tropical Cyclone Committee - Extraordinary session 2024 (RA I TCC-Ext2024)
19-30 AugustRSMC New Delhi, IndiaAttachment Training
30 July-1 AugustBrisbane, AustraliaRA V Tropical Cyclone Committee - 22nd Session (RA V TCC-22)
21-22 MayOnline Advisory Group on Tropical Cyclones - 6th meeting (AG-TC-6)
8-12 AprilRSMC Miami, USARA IV Workshop on Hurricane Forecasting and Warning
18-22 MarchPanama City, PanamaRA IV Hurricane Committee - 46th Session (HC-46)
27 February- 1 MarchKuala Lumpur, MalaysiaESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee - 56th Session
15-26 JanuaryRSMC Tokyo, JapanAttachment Training


Dates VenueEvent
19-23 DecemberManama, BahrainWMO/ESCAP Panel on Tropical Cyclones - 50th session (PTC-50)
12-14 DecemberGeneva, SwitzerlandAdvisory Group on Tropical Cyclones - 5th meeting (AG-TC-5)
26 October OnlineFourth Miniforum on Tropical Cyclone Outlook in the South West Indian Ocean
16-20 October RSMC NadiRA V Training Course on Tropical Cyclones - 15th session
2-6 OctoberLa Reunion, FranceRA I Tropical Cyclone Committee - 25th session ( RAI TCC-25)
25-30 SeptemberRSMC La ReunionRA I Training Course on Tropical Cyclones  - 11th session
25-28 JulyNuku'Alofa, TongaRA V Tropical Cyclone Committee - 21st Session (RA V TCC-21)
16-17 MayOnline Advisory Group on Tropical Cyclones - 4th meeting (AG-TC-4)
3 - 13 AprilRSMC New Delhi - OnlineAttachment Training
27-31 MarchSan Jose, Costa RicaRA IV Hurricane Committee - 45th Session (HC-45)
07-09 MarchMacao, China - OnlineESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee - 55th Session
27 February -10 MarchRSMC MiamiRA IV Workshop on Hurricane Forecasting and Warning
11-13 JanuaryRSMC Tokyo - OnlineAttachment Training


Dates VenueEvent
10 DecemberBali, IndonesiaAdvisory Group on Tropical Cyclones - 3rd meeting (AG-TC-3)
5-9 December Bali, IndonesiaTenth session of the International Workshop on Tropical Cyclones (IWTC-10)
15 November Online RA I Tropical Cyclone Committee - Extraordinary session 2022 (RA I TCC-Ext2022)
27 October OnlineThird Miniforum on Tropical Cyclone Outlook in the South West Indian Ocean
24 October-4 NovemberWMO RTC Beijing, China - Online 7th International Distance Training Course on Tropical Cyclone Monitoring and Forecasting - Enroll (deadline 19 October)
23-25 AugustOnlineRA V Tropical Cyclone Committee - 20th Session (RA V TCC-20)
27-30 JuneSaudi Arabia - OnlineWMO/ESCAP Panel on Tropical Cyclones - 49th session (PTC-49)
07-09 JuneOnline Advisory Group on Tropical Cyclones - 2nd meeting (AG-TC-2)
25-28 AprilOnlineRA IV Hurricane Committee - 44th Session (HC-44)
4 - 14 AprilOnlineAttachment Training -RSMC New Delhi
28 February-4 March RSMC Miami - OnlineRA IV Workshop on Hurricane Forecasting and Warning
23-25 FebruaryLao-PDR - OnlineESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee - 54th Session
3 February OnlineAdvisory Group on Tropical Cyclones - 1st meeting (AG-TC-1)
11-13 JanuaryJapan - OnlineAttachment Training -RSMC Tokyo



7-10 DecemberOnlineThird International Workshop on Satellite Analysis of Tropical Cyclones (IWSATC-3)
2-3 DecemberTCS, OnlineESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee - 16th Integrated Workshop
8-10 NovemberOnlineRA I Tropical Cyclone Committee - 24th session ( RAI TCC-24)
28 OctoberOnlineSecond Miniforum on Tropical Cyclone Outlook in the South West Indian Ocean
25-29 OctoberOnlineRA I Training Course on Tropical Cyclones and Public Weather Services - 10th session
12-15 OctoberOnlineRA V Training Course on Tropical Cyclones - 14th session
6-18 October Online Attachment Training - RSMC New Delhi
20, 21, 23 SeptemberUAE, OnlineWMO/ESCAP Panel on Tropical Cyclones - 48th session (PTC-48)
27-29 July 2021OnlineRA V Tropical Cyclone Committee - 19th Session (RA V TCC-19)
26 - 30 April - OnlineMiami, FL, USARA IV Workshop on Hurricane Forecasting and Warning
Materials on the Tropical Cyclone Forecaster Website
15-17 March / 4-5 MayOnlineRA IV Hurricane Committee - 43rd Session - Parts I and II
9-11 MarchOnlineAttachment Training - RSMC Tokyo
25-28 February - OnlineJapanESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee - 53rd Session



1-2 December - onlineViet NamESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee -15th Integrated Workshop
23, 24 and 26 November - ONLINEAbu Dhabi, UAEWMO/ESCAP Panel on Tropical Cyclones - 47th Session
16 NovemberOnlineFirst Miniforum on Tropical Cyclone Outlook in the South West Indian Ocean
07-17 October - ONLINENew Delhi, IndiaAttachment Training - RSMC New Delhi
28, 29 and 31 July - ONLINETongaRA V Tropical Cyclone Committee - 18th Session
20 April - 1 May - CANCELLEDMiami, FL, USARA IV Workshop on Hurricane Forecasting and Warning
30 March - 3 April - ONLINEPanama City, PanamaRA IV Hurricane Committee - 42nd Session
16 - 27 March - CANCELLEDRSMC La Reunion, France Attachment Training - RSMC La Reunion
25-28 February - ONLINEHong-Kong, ChinaESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee - 52nd Session



18 - 29 NovemberTokyo, JapanAttachment training - RSMC Tokyo
4 - 9 NovemberRSMC La Reunion, FranceRA I Training Course on Tropical Cyclones and Public Weather Services - 9th session
4 - 7 NovemberGuam, USAESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee Integrated Workshop - 14th session (IWS-14)
17 - 23 OctoberMaputo, MozambiqueRA I Tropical Cyclone Committee - 23rd Session
16 - 27 SeptemberNew Delhi, IndiaAttachment training - RSMC New Delhi
9 - 13 SeptemberRSMC Nadi, FijiRA V Training Course on Tropical Cyclones - 13th session
9 - 13 SeptemberNay Pyi Taw, Myanmar WMO/ESCAP Panel on Tropical Cyclones - 46th Session
29 April - 10 MayMiami, FL, USARA IV Workshop on Hurricane Forecasting and Warning
Link to the Tropical Cyclone Forecaster Website
18 - 22 MarchCuraçaoRA IV Hurricane Committee - 41th Session
26 Feb - 1 MarchGuangzhou, ChinaESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee - 51th Session
11-22 FebruaryLa Reunion, FranceAttachment Training - RSMC La Reunion


9-12 DecemberHonolulu, HI,USAThe Ninth Tropical Cyclone RSMCs/TCWCs Technical Coordination Meeting (TCM-9)
3-7 DecemberHonolulu, HI,USAThe Ninth International Workshop on Tropical Cyclones (IWTC-9)
Final Report
5-9 NovemberChiang Mai, ThailandThe 13th ESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee Integrated Workshop (IWS-13)
15-26 OctoberTokyo, JapanAttachment training - RSMC Tokyo
23-27 SeptemberMuscat, Sultanate of OmanWMO/ESCAP Panel on Tropical Cyclones - 45th Session
23 - 26 JulyNoumea, New Caledonia, FranceRA V Tropical Cyclone Committee - 17th Session
2 - 13 JulyNew Delhi, IndiaAttachment training - RSMC New Delhi
9 - 13 AprilMartinique, FranceRA IV Hurricane Committee - 40th Session
28 Feb - 3 MarchHa Noi, VietnamESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee - 50th Session
26 Feb - 9 MarchMiami, FL, USARA IV Workshop on Hurricane Forecasting and Warning
12-23 FebruaryLa Reunion, FranceAttachment Training - RSMC La Reunion


11-22 DecemberNew Delhi, IndiaAttachment Training - RSMC New Delhi
11-21 DecemberTokyo, JapanAttachment Training - RSMC Tokyo
5-7 DecemberMacau, ChinaThe Fourth International Workshop on Tropical Cyclone Landfall Processes- IWTCLP-IV
30 Oct -3 NovJeju, KoreaESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee Integrated Workshop - 12th session (IWS-12)
25-29 SeptemberMahé, SeychellesRA I Tropical Cyclone Committee - 22nd Session
14-22 SeptemberNadi, FijiSouthern Hemisphere Training Course on TC and PWS - 12th session
Link to the Tropical Cyclone Forecaster Website
10-14 SeptemberManama, BahrainWMO/ESCAP Panel on Tropical Cyclones - 44th Session
4-12 SeptemberLa Réunion, FranceRA I Training Course on Tropical Cyclones and Public Weather Services - 8th session
23-26 MarchSan José, Costa RicaRA IV Hurricane Committee - 39th Session
27 Feb-10 MarMiami, FL, USARA IV Workshop on Hurricane Forecasting and Warning and Public Weather Services
Link to the Tropical Cyclone Forecaster Website
21-24 FebruaryYokohama, JAPANESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee - 49th Session
January-FebruaryLa Réunion, FranceAttachment Training at the RSMC La Reunion




24-28 OctoberCebu, PhilippinesThe 11th ESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee Integrated Workshop (IWS-11)
19-30 SeptemberNew Delhi, IndiaAttachment Training at the RSMC New Delhi
29 Aug-2 SeptHoniara, Solomon IslandsRAV  Tropical Cyclone Committee - 16th Session
15-26 AugustTokyo, JapanAttachment Training at the RSMC Tokyo
2-6 MayNew Delhi, IndiaWMO/ESCAP Panel on Tropical Cyclones - 43rd Session
23-26 AprilPuerto Rico, USARA IV Hurricane Committee - 38th Session
29 Feb-11 MarchMiami, FL, USA

RA IV Workshop on Hurricane Forecasting and Warning and Public Weather Services

Link to the Tropical Cyclone Forecaster Website

29 Feb-11 MarchLa Réunion, FranceAttachment Training at the RSMC La Reunion
22-25 FebruaryHonolulu, HI, USAESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee - 48th session
16-19 FebruaryHonolulu, HI, USA

International Best Track Archive for Climate Stewardship-3 (IBTrACS-3) Report

International Workshop on Satellite Analysis of Tropical Cyclones-2 (IWSATC-2) : Presentations and Report



7-11 December 2015Nanjing, ChinaWMO Training Workshop On Tropical Cyclones Forecasting and Warning
2-6 November 2015Miami, Fl. USA8th Tropical Cyclone RSMCs/TCWCs Technical Coordination Meeting (TCM-8)
5-16 October 2015Melbourne, AustraliaEleventh Southern Hermisphere Training Course on TC and PWS
28 Sept.-2 Oct. 2015La Reunion, FranceRA I Tropical Cyclone Committee - 21st Session
14-25 Sept. 2015La Reunion, France

Seventh RA I Training Course on Tropical Cyclones and Public Weather Services

Link to the Tropical Cyclone Forecaster Website

3-14 August 2015New Delhi, IndiaInternational Training Workshop on TC Forecasting
22-31 July 2015RSMC Tokyo, JapanAttachment Training Workshop
13-17 April 2015San Jose, Costa RicaRA IV Hurricane Committee - 37th session
9-20 March 2015Miami, Fl., USARA IV Workshop on Hurricane Forecasting and Warning and Public Weather Services
9-13 Feb 2015Bangkok, ThailandThird Joint Session WMO/ESCAP TC-47 & PTC-42
20-23 January 2015Ningbo, ChinaHI-WEATHER-WORKSHOP
19-23 January 2015Miami, Fl., USAStorm Surge and Wave Forecasting Workshop



2-10 DecemberJeju, Republic of KoreaThe Eighth International Workshop on Tropical Cyclones (IWTC-VIII)
28 Sept-2 Oct.2014Muscat, OmanWMO/Oman Workshop on DVORAK Technique
26-30 May 2014Port Vila, VanuatuRA V Tropical Cyclone Committee - 15th session
7-10 April 2014Cancun, MexicoRA IV Hurricane Committee - Thirty-sixth session 
10-21 March 2014Miami, FL, USARA IV Workshop on Hurricane Forecasting and Warning and Public Weather Services
2-6 March 2014Dhaka, BangladeshWMO/ESCAP Panel on Tropical Cyclones - 41st Session



28 October -
8 November 2013
La Réunion, France

The Sixth RA I Training Course on Tropical Cyclones and Public Weather Services

23 September - 4 October 2013Nadi, FijiThe 10th Southern Hemisphere Training Course on Tropical Cyclones and Public Weather Services
8-12 April 2013Willemstad, CuraçaoRA IV Hurricane Committee - Thirty-fifth session 
11-22 March 2013Miami, FL, USARA IV Workshop on Hurricane Forecasting and Warning and Public Weather Services
25 Feb - 1 March 2013Colombo, Sri LankaWMO/ESCAP Panel on Tropical Cyclones - 40th Session



12-15 Nov. 2012Citeko, West Java, Indonesia7th Tropical Cyclone RSMCs/TCWCs Technical Coordination Meeting
3-7 Sept. 2012Maputo, MozambiqueRA I Tropical Cyclone Committee - 20th Session
16-20 July 2012Apia, SamoaRA V Tropical Cyclone Committee - 14th Session
11-15 April 2012Ponte Vedra Beach, FL
RA IV Hurricane Committee - Thirty-fourth session 
12-23 March 2012Miami, FL, USARA IV Workshop on Hurricane Forecasting and Warning and Public Weather Services
5-9 March 2012Nay Pyi Taw, MyanmarWMO/ESCAP Panel on Tropical Cyclones - 39th Session



5 - 23 Sep. 2011Melbourne, AustraliaThe 9th Southern Hemisphere Training Course on Tropical Cyclones and Training Workshop on Public Weather Services
13 - 16 April 2011Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

International Workshop on Satellite Analysis of Tropical Cyclones / Final

21 March - 1 April 2011Miami, Florida, USARA IV Workshop on Hurricane Forecasting and Warning and Public Weather Services
8-12 March 2011Grand Cayman, Cayman IslandsRA IV Hurricane Committee - Thirty-third session 
22-26 February, 2011Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic6th TCP/JCOMM Workshop on Storm Surge and Wave Forecasting (SSW-W6)
21-25 February 2011New Delhi, IndiaWMO/ESCAP Panel on Tropical Cyclones - 38th Session
17-22 January 2011Jeju, KoreaESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee - 43nd Session


15-20 Nov. 2010La Reunion, FranceThe Seventh International Workshop on Tropical Cyclones (IWTC-VII)
2-13 Nov. 2010La Reunion, FranceThe Fifth RA I Training Course on Tropical Cyclones and Public Weather Services
18-22 Oct. 2010Nanjing, ChinaThe Third International Conference on Quantitative Precipitation Estimation (QPE) and Quantitative Precipitation Forecasting (QPF) and Hydrology
20-24 Sep. 2010Nairobi, KenyaRA I Tropical Cyclone Committee - 19th session
26-29 April 2010Bali, IndonesiaRA V Tropical Cyclone Committee - 13th Session
15-26 March 2010Miami, Florida, USARA IV Workshop on Hurricane Forecasting and Warning and Public Weather Services
8-12 March 2010Hamilton, Bermuda, UKRA IV Hurricane Committee - Thirty-second session 
15-19 February 2010Phuket, ThailandWMO/ESCAP Panel on Tropical Cyclones - 37th Session
25-29 January 2010SingaporeESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee - 42nd Session



14-16 December 2009

Macao, ChinaESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee Meeting of Chairs of the Working Groups on the Meteorology, Hydrology and Disaster Prevention
2-5 November 2009
Brisbane, Australia
6th Tropical Cyclone RSMCs/TCWCs Technical Coordination Meeting
19-23 October 2009Shanghai, ChinaThe Second International Workshop on Tropical Cyclone Landfall Processes
28 September - 16 October 2009Melbourne, AustraliaThe 8th Southern Hemisphere Training Course on Tropical Cyclones and Training Workshop on Public Weather Services
14–18 September 2009Cebu, PhilippinesThe ESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee Integrated Workshop on Building Sustainability and Resilience in High Risk Area of the Typhoon Committee: Assessment and Action
12-15 May 2009Jeju, R. KoreaESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee First Training and Research Coordination Group Technical Forum on EPS, Probabilistic Forecast and TIPS
20-24 April 2009

Nassau, Bahamas

RA IV Hurricane Committee - 31st session 
23 March - 3 April 2009Miami, Florida, USARA IV Workshop on Hurricane Forecasting and Warning and Public Weather Services
8-11 March 2009Muscat, OmanThe First International Conference on Indian Ocean Tropical Cyclones and Climate Change
2-6 March 2009Muscat, OmanWMO/ESCAP Panel on Tropical Cyclones - 36th Session
27-28 Feb. 2009Muscat, OmanWMO/ESCAP Panel on Tropical Cyclones High Level Policy Working Group - 1st Meeting

19-24 January 2009

Chiang Mai, Thailand

ESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee - 41st Session


1-5 December 2008Melbourne, Australia5th TCP/JCOMM Workshop on Storm Surge and Wave Forecasting
6-10 October 2008Lilongwe, MalawiRA I Tropical Cyclone Committee - 18th session
11-17 July 2008NiueRA V Tropical Cyclone Committee - 12th Session
26-30 May 2008RSMC La Réunion, FranceRA I Regional Workshop on Tropical Cyclone Research
5-9 May 2008Manama, BahrainWMO/ESCAP Panel on Tropical Cyclones - 35th Session
23-28 April 2008Orlando, Florida, USARA IV Hurricane Committee - Thirtieth session 
7-19 April 2008Miami, Florida, USARA IV Workshop on Hurricane Forecasting and Warning and Public Weather Services