Standing Committee on Information Management and Technology (SC-IMT)

About us

SC-IMT will focus on the normative work and technical systems required to achieve Objective 2.2 of the WMO Strategic Plan: “[to] Improve and increase access to, exchange and management of current and past Earth system observation data and derived products through the WMO Information System”.

INFCOM-3 decides to re-establish the SC-IMT. The new structure of SC-IMT (2024-2028) has been endorsed. ToRs of all Expert Teams and Task Teams under SC-IMT was approved at INFCOM MG which was held from 1 to 4 October 2024.

For the overview of the current structure, please refer to this page.

Chair: Mr Rémy GIRAUD - ( France )

Co-Vice-Chair: Mr Jeremy TANDY - ( United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland )

Co-Vice-Chair:  Ms Lei XUE -  ( China )

Members list can be found here

(Update on 24 January 2025)


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Terms of Reference

Responding to the WMO Convention, article 2(b) (Basic Documents, No. 1 (WMO-No. 15)), which states that one of the primary purposes of the organization shall be “to promote the establishment and maintenance of systems for the rapid exchange of meteorological and related information”, the Standing Committee will focus on the normative work and technical systems required to achieve Objective 2.2 of the WMO Strategic Plan: “{to}Improve and increase access to, exchange and management of current and past Earth system observation data and derived products through the WMO Information System”
The activities of the Standing Committee will include the following:
(a) With the Regional Associations, and in collaboration with the other Standing Committees of the Infrastructure Commission and in consultation with the Services Commission and Research Board , gather and review requirements across user programmes, assess and advise on gaps and solutions for meeting user needs in information and communication technologies for all disciplines and WMO application areas, and make proposals on implementation, planning and operational management of the WMO Information System (WIS);
(b) Monitor and explore new technology that may contribute to the effective and secure operation of WIS;
(c) Lead the continuous development of WIS, including the implementation of WIS 2.0 in accordance with Resolution 57 (CG-18);
(d) Support efficient and effective exchange of data and information among WMO Members and with other organizations including from the private sector; facilitate members to discover and get access to fit-for-purpose data in an effective way;
(e) Develop and update regulatory and guidance material relating to exchange of observations and other meteorological and related data and information, information life-cycle management, information and telecommunication technology, cybersecurity, operations management, data and metadata standards, data formats, working with Services Commission and its subsidiary bodies, national and international standard bodies and communities where appropriate;
(f) Develop and support Members in the implementation of unified practices for Earth system components [Russian Federation] data and information management and related use of technology across all disciplines and WMO application areas;
(g) Provide technical guidance on archiving, rescue and digitization of historical data and products derived from current and past observations, and on making these data discoverable and accessible through WIS;
(h) Develop, update and promote education and training material and recommend competency-based training events on telecommunications, information management, operations management, and cyber security;
(i) With the Regional Associations, monitor and review the performance of WIS and use of globally exchanged data and coordinate the provision of technical support and interaction between WIS centres;
(j) Monitor compliance with international and WMO information management, cybersecurity and technology standards and practices in WIS and promote a culture of compliance with standards and relevant regulatory material among all Members;
(k) Contribute to the development and implementation planning of infrastructure of partner international organizations;
(l) Engage with other WMO structures and programmes, co-sponsored programmes and related international partner organizations in coordinating all relevant activities.

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