RA VI High-level Task Team on the Regional Concept

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Terms of Reference

Decision 3.1/2 (RA VI-18) - RA VI High-level Task Team on the Regional Concept – Terms of Reference and Membership

Regional Association VI (Europe) decides:

(1) To adopt the following Terms of Reference for the RA VI High-level Task Team on the Regional Concept:

(a) Guide the reform of approaches to Regional Association business processes and working mechanisms by considering all relevant high-level guidance by the WMO Congress and Executive Council on how the regional work could be conducted,

(b) Propose the way forward in the implementation of this guidance bearing in mind the characteristics of the region, including diversity and capacity among the Member States (e.g. level of development, membership to different technical and political organizations, policy-relevant issues such as data policy, relation to the private sector, cooperation and collaboration with academic institutions, roles and responsibilities of organisation in the field of meteorology, hydrology including cryosphere, climate and the ocean)

(c) Draft a recommendation for the new regional working sub-structure, harmonized to the degree possible with the WMO Technical Commissions and the Research Board working bodies, taking into account the different priorities among the Members, including the need to better connect sub-regional groupings in RA VI, initially focusing on the following thematic areas which will be reassessed after the establishment of the team :

(i) Global Multi-Hazard Alert System (GMAS), including Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems (MHEWS)
(ii) Climate Services and Regional Climate Statement
(iii) Collaboration between Western and Eastern Members
(iv) Public-Private Engagement
(v) Data Exchange and Data Policy
(vi) Contribution of the region to the achievement of long-term ambitions for hydrology & integration of hydrology and other related Hydrological services
(vii) Other priorities as identified by the High-level Task Team

(d) Submit its recommendations to the RA VI president and the management group, which will agree on the further steps towards implementation of the recommendations, keeping the RA VI Member States informed through the Regional Office for Europe,

(2) To request RA VI president to submit the agreed position of RA VI to the EC Task Force for the comprehensive review of the WMO regional concept and approaches according to Resolution 11 (Cg-18) - WMO Reform - Next phase, and to keep the Association abreast of deliberations of the EC Task Force.

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