World Weather Research Programme (WWRP)
The WMO World Weather Research Programme (WWRP) promotes research to improve weather prediction, and its impacts on society, for minutes to months ahead. The improvements in science and operational predictions are driven by international cooperation, which then can drive sustainable development.
WWRP's key objectives are:
Advance research of the Earth system on times scales from minutes to months. This research, through the science-for-services value cycle approach, in providing locally and regionally actionable weather information,
Improve the warning process to account for increasing risks and the evolving nature of extreme weather impacts, and
Quantify and reduce uncertainty in predictions on time scales from minutes to months.
In addition, communication of forecasts, warnings and their uncertainty, as well as indication of the impacts of these warnings, raise new challenges for weather-related approaches for the full value cycle. To address these, WWRP adopts an interdisciplinary collaborative approach, linking social scientists as well as academia and Early Career Scientists.
📢 Check our latest WWRP video here: full version and short version

Knowledge Action Network on Emergent Risks and Extreme Events (Risk-KAN) is a joint initiative of FutureEarth, WCRP, WWRP and IRDR.