WMO Flood Forecasting Initiative, Fourth Meeting of the Advisory Group


The WMO FFI started from an Expert Meeting in 2003 where it was agreed that its objective was to “Improve the capacity of meteorological and hydrological services to jointly deliver timely and more accurate products and services required in flood forecasting and warning and in collaborating with disaster managers, active in flood emergency preparedness and response”. In 2011, the World Meteorological Congress (Cg) passed Resolution 15 (Cg-XVI) establishing the WMO Flood Forecasting Initiative - Advisory Group (FFI-AG) with the objective to provide guidance and advice on the hydrological forecasting elements of a number of flood-related initiatives and programmes in progress under WMO programmes, and to provide broad-based support to improve collaboration between the meteorological and hydrological communities for improved flood forecasting related practices.

The first FFI-AG meeting took place in October 2013. It reviewed its ToR and developed a Work Plan for the period 2013-2016 (WP 1). The second FFI-AG meeting was held in December 2015, where the WP 1 was reviewed and a new work plan (WP 2) was developed. In the last session of Commission for Hydrology (CHy-15) in 2016, most of the actions of WP2 were integrated in the CHy workplan. In December 2017, the FFI-AG held its third meeting where the experts presented a summary of the tasks implemented in WP 2. 

The Executive Council, during its seventy-second meeting in 2020, decided to adopt the revised Terms of Reference and Composition of the FFI-AG, taking into account the WMO reform process.


The expected outputs from the meeting during its fourth constituent session are:

  1. Agreement on the scope of work and approach to be taken by the FFI-AG, within its revised ToR;
  2. Improved understanding of the current initiatives and activities undertaken in the framework of the WMO FFI;
  3. Agreement on specific actions to be taken and an updated Work Plan associated with these actions;
  4. Conclusions and recommendations, based on the presentations and discussions with a focus on sustainability of flood-related activities .


>> Final Report

Meeting documents

Background documents

Previous meetings
