Defining Initial composition of GBON

Per circular letter to Members No. 18876/2022/I/WIGOS/ONM/GBON dated 15 August 2022, Members are urged to prepare for the initial GBON composition to be approved by the World Meteorological Congress at its nineteenth session (Cg-19) in 2023 and to undertake the actions listed below at their earliest convenience but no later than 31 January 2023. Based on the requests from Members, the deadline was then extended to the 30 April 2023.

From 1 February 2023, the Secretariat will start consultation process with TT-GBON-Next to assess compliance of the proposed national contributions to GBON, investigate remaining gaps, and may contact Members as appropriate. The draft initial GBON composition to be submitted to Cg-19 for its adoption will be published through the dedicated webtool for its review by Members.

It is recalled that the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and the Small Island Developing States (SIDS) have the opportunity to seek funding support for GBON implementation through the Systematic Observations Financing Facility (SOFF). Other developing country Members will also be able to access SOFF limited technical assistance. The additional circular note providing an update on SOFF and details on how to access SOFF support has also been sent. 

You will be able to see more information from the links below: