4th Hydrological Advisers Forum, Region III - South America
The 4th Hydrological Advisers Forum of the World Meteorological Organization - Region III South America (WMO RA III) was held by videoconference on 17 February 2022. It was chaired by the Regional Hydrological Adviser of RA III and brougth together Hydrological Advisers, Permanent Representatives, and RA III Working Group in Hydrology experts from 10 of the 12 countries in the region, as well as relevant staff of the WMO Secretariat.
The agenda was as follows*:
1. Welcome (S. Alcoz/F. Bernal)
2. Follow-up to the decisions of the Hydrological Assembly and the Extraordinary Congress (C. Caponi) + Discussion (moderated by S. Alcoz/F. Bernal)
3. Position of RA III ahead of the Hydrological Co-ordination Panel HCP-3 (moderated by S. Alcoz/F. Bernal)
4. Presentation of the document "Involvement of the Hydrological Community in WMO Projects and advisory services" (F. Kaya) + Considerations for applying it in projects in RA III (C. Escobar)
5. Review of the status of RA III as regards: 1) nomination of national Hydrological Advisers and 2) membership in Technical Commissions (C. Caponi)
6. Any other issues (including date and possible topics for next forum) (all)
*interpretation between Spanish and English was available
Report of the meeting
- 4th Hydrological Advisers Meeting Report Region III (esp)
Useful links
- Website of the Hydrological Assembly
- Website with the approved Cg-Ext documents (los documentos también están disponibles en español aquí)
- Document “Involvement of the Hydrological Community in WMO Projects and advisory services”
- Follow-up to the decisions of the Hydrological Assembly and the Extraordinary Congress (eng - esp)
- Position of RA III ahead of the Hydrological Co-ordination Panel HCP-3 (esp)
- "Involvement of the Hydrological Community in WMO Projects and advisory services" (eng - esp)
- Considerations for applying it in projects in RA III (esp)
- Review of the status of RA III as regards: 1) nomination of national Hydrological Advisers and 2) membership in Technical Commissions (eng - esp)
Photo of the Forum