International Conference on Promoting Weather and Climate Information for Agriculture and Food Security


International Conference on Promoting Weather and Climate Information for Agriculture and Food Security

Antalya, Turkey
7-9 April 2014

Concept Note |Specific Objectives | Expected Outcomes |Co-Sponsors
Programme | List of Particpants | Presentations

Conference Overview

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the Turkish State Meteorological Service (TSMS) organized conference and the specific objectives and expected outcomes are listed below. This workshop was held in conjunction with 16th Session of the WMO Commission for Agricultural Meteorology (10-15 April 2014). Please review the Concept Note for further background on this Conference.

Specific Conference Objectives

  • To identify and assess the weather and climate information needs and limitations in different regions of the world which affect farming and agriculture sector management and decision-making in each region;
  • To review and summarize various weather and climate services currently available for the agricultural sector, including monitoring, forecasting and preparedness measures for on-farm operational decision-making, agrometeorological adaptation strategies to cope with climate extremes, variability and change, agroclimatic zoning for planning cropping systems, and changing land-use strategies,
  • To evaluate the current means of communication of various weather and climate information and services to the farming community in different regions of the world, and, provide ways and means to implement new and/or appropriate tools for dissemination of timely and relevant weather and climate information, and;
  • To promote new and innovative techniques for better awareness and utilization of climate informational knowledge for agricultural decision-making.

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Expected Conference Outcomes

Senior experts in several fields will be invited to prepare state-of-the-art discussion papers to address the above objectives. The programme is designed in such a way as to engage all the participants in discussions on each of these papers and to develop appropriate strategies on conference topics.

Recommendations from the Conference will be considered at the ensuing session of the Commission for Agricultural Meteorology of WMO for promoting weather and climate information provided the NMHSs and other partners to the agricultural community for improving agricultural production and food security.

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Conference Co-Sponsors 

  • Turkish State Meteorological Service (TSMS)
  • Turkish Ministry of Forestry and Water