WICAP Resourcing

While the WICAP has been established as a cooperative arrangement between the aviation and meteorological communities through IATA and WMO, the developmental and operational aspects of the programme will have to be funded.

In general, the following approach will be taken to the financial framework:

  • On a regional collaborative and planned basis, WMO member NMHSs will generally meet the incremental costs for the operation of the programme, which essentially includes the costs of data communications and reception (air to ground and ground to ground), data processing and management and, the costs, if required, of enabling AMDAR capability on participating aircraft.
  • Each Regional Association will determine the operational and funding structure that best suits its needs and the preferences of their respective collective membership, while ensuring that they adopt and adhere to the Data Policy principles.
  • Costs for shared components will be divided between participating Members based on the WICAP proposed financial structure or that developed and agreed by the Region.
  • Payments to data providers and for other operational costs will be handled by the WICAP Operator (a member NMHS providing operational functions on behalf of the Region) or individual Members depending on regional arrangements.

More formally, the proposed principles on which this financial structure will be based are the following:

In collaboration with, and within each WMO Regional Association, the WICAP Governing Board (GB) will oversee the following financial aspects of WICAP, including:

  1. Establishment of a Financial Framework for a proposed funding and cost structure to support WICAP operations, ensuring equitable cost-sharing between participating meteorological services (NMHSs) in each WMO Region;
  2. This will inolve the establishment of both an AMDAR Programme Operating Fund (“APOF”) and an AMDAR Programme Expansion Fund (“APEF”) to facilitate cost- and resource-sharing initiatives to enhance the existing AMDAR Programme and to extend the implementation of new national and regional AMDAR Programmes;
  3. The AMDAR Programme Operating Fund (APOF) will provide resources for the ongoing operations of WICAP. The AMDAR Programme Expansion Fund (APEF) will provide for the programme’s development, expansion and enhancement.

Under WICAP, WICAP Operators will receive the required funds in the APOF to support:

  1. The ongoing air-to-ground and ground-to-ground communication costs relating to the collection of AMDAR data at WICAP RDPCs, and its subsequent provision on the WMO Information System (WIS);
  2. The infrastructure costs associated with the operation of WICAP Regional and/or Global Centres and Systems;
  3. Any additional costs, which become necessary for the on-going operation of the Regional AMDAR Programme;
  4. Contribution to the global administrative costs of WICAP.

Under WICAP, WICAP Operators will receive the required funds in the APEF to support:

  1. The equipping of participating airline aircraft with AMDAR onboard software and other infrastructure required to support the operation of WICAP and most efficiently meet the requirements for AMDAR data;
  2. Research, analysis and other related activities to support improvements to the efficiency and utility of WICAP.

The GB, WMO and WMO Regional Associations will oversee the management by the WICAP Operators of the funds of the APOF and APEF so as to meet the incremental costs only of the operation of WICAP. Any funds surplus to such requirements will be either transferred to or retained in the APEF, or else, based on the discretion and adjudication of the Regional Association, returned to the participating NMHSs or donors in a fair and equitable dispersion.

Funds for the APOF and APEF in each WMO Region will be provided by NMHSs under their agreement with the WICAP Operator for participating in WICAP, and based on the cost structure developed by the GB and the Regional Association for meeting national, regional and global requirements for AMDAR data. These funds may be supplemented from other sources, including:

  1. The provision of funds to meet requirements for AMDAR data by other data users, including other (non-meteorological) government agencies, private entities, capacity development and aid agencies, specifically approved by the GB in advance;
  2. Revenue raised by IATA through potential commercialization of AMDAR data, if feasible and with the consent of participating airlines; and
  3. Other sources as may be agreed upon by the GB as required.